A note from Mr B

Term 2 Reports
On Thursday 27th June, Term 2 reports will be available for you to view and download through the Sentral Parent Portal. Reports are generally available by 3 pm, however I will make a Facebook post confirming once they are uploaded. Please remember that earlier this term I made mention in the newsletter of the changes to the way in which classroom behaviour and effort will be reported.
Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews
At the end of the first week of Term 3, you’ll have the opportunity to talk with your child’s classroom teacher about their progress. This is a great opportunity to talk in some more detail as to how your child is going in class, or ask some clarifying questions regarding their Semester 1 report.
Homework Survey
During Term 3 we will be giving parents and carers the opportunity to complete a short survey regarding homework at Langwarrin Primary School. School Council, specifically the Education Committee, are updating the LPS Homework policy this year. As representatives of the school community, they’ve already provided some feedback and suggestions, however we are keen to get feedback from the wider school community as well. Keep your eyes peeled for an email with the link early in Term 3.
Rowan Balzary
Assistant Principal