Year 5

Hello from 5DL

On Wednesday June 5th the Year 5 students went on camp to Forest Edge in Neerim South. It was a great opportunity to try new things outside of our comfort zones. 


At camp we slept in little five person cabins connected by bathrooms. I was in a cabin with Kate, Liah, Penny and Victoria. I slept on the double bottom bunk, Liah slept on the top bunk above me, Kate on the other top bunk, Victoria under her and Penny on the single bed near the window. Erin, Lenni, Rhoads, Bella and Harriet were on the other side of the bathroom. The bathroom had a toilet, shower and two sinks. The cabins were very small but we managed. 


The food at camp wasn’t the best but overall it was ok. For breakfast I had jam toast, for morning tea and afternoon tea we had fruit and cookies. For lunch we had chicken wraps and burgers, dinner was pasta and chicken schnitzel and for dessert we had chocolate mousse and ice cream with toppings.

My favourite meal was chicken and ice cream. As a treat for our last day we had hot jam donuts for morning tea.


We did three night time activities at camp. First there was the trivia where my team, The Unicorns, came 6th. We were very good at the general knowledge section and fairly good at the Olympics section as well. Then there was the night walk, I got picked to go ahead with Obi’s mum who is a park ranger but we accidentally went the wrong way! We still saw two possums, a tawny frogmouth and a bunch of kangaroos. The other group were very loud so we could hear them even though they were about 700m away! We also saw the light from their torches so we knew we had gone the wrong way. It was very muddy. Then for our last night activity we watched the Emoji Movie. 


The zip line was my favourite activity that we did. We had two attempts, I went on it first with Penny and then with Mia. The zip line was 312m and very fast! I enjoyed going over the creek. It felt like I was flying!


Another awesome activity was mountain boarding. It was really fun and I was quite good at it because it was similar to skateboarding which I do a lot of. I went down the baby hill once, the small hill twice and the medium hill once. I recommend this activity to anyone who likes skateboarding or skiing. 


All in all, camp was a great experience that I would be thrilled to get the chance to repeat. What an awesome trip! By Willow Caldwell


On the 5th of June, Year 5 went to Forest Edge for 3 days until the 7th June. We had the best time ever at camp with fun activities. On the bus ride there it felt like it took three hours, but it took an hour and 30 minutes. After we got off the bus we unpacked the stuff.


The first thing we did was have our lunch. We did our first activity which was rockclimbing. I enjoyed it. We had cookies for afternoon tea. For dinner we had pasta. We started a movie before bed.


In my cabin was me, Obi, Tatum, Alessio, and Xavier. It was really hard to go to sleep because my cabin would not stop talking.


On the second day, my group did mountain boarding. It was really fun, but it was not on a mountain, it was on the hill. This was the best activity on camp.


On the last day of camp my group (Group 3) went on the second longest and only twin fox in Victoria. I versed Mr T, he won. It was really enjoyable.


THE night walk was not for Year 5. It was about 3 km long and at an angle. I slipped 8 times and on one of the times I slid down on the ground for 30 seconds - it was not fun.


On the way back to Langwarrin, it took two hours and I found some dirty AirPods on the bus floor!


In conclusion, I loved Forest Edge and highly recommended this camp.


By Logan Burke