IB Learner Profile Attributes

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Year Three Teaching Team: Reflective

This week, our Year Three Teaching Team share with us how they represent the learner profile attribute Reflective.

Our reflective Year Three Team - Kellie Oxlade, Lisa Do, Sharon McWhinney and James Reid
Our reflective Year Three Team - Kellie Oxlade, Lisa Do, Sharon McWhinney and James Reid


When we are reflective we:

  • Thinking about own teaching practices.
  • Our successes and challenges and how they inform our next steps moving forward. 
  • Professional discussions in our planning 

I'm reflective when:


Kellie Oxlade - when… I give thought to experiences in the past and consider how such experiences can guide my choices going forward. To me, an important part of being reflective is asking questions and being curious. 

Lisa Do - Reflecting on my own teaching practice, I considered our maths lesson and whether it addressed the varying abilities of all students in the classroom when it came to addition and subtraction!

Sharon McWhinney - I am planning learning experiences, during and after lessons, in order to provide purposeful, engaging, interactive and fun learning opportunities, to maximise the potential of all students. I am always evolving as an educator and researching curriculum and evidence based research to further develop my knowledge and  understandings of best  practice.

James Reid - I look back at my daily practice, session by session, to ensure I am continually improving. I see both my failures and success as positive learning opportunities to help me in the future. 


I will then ask a student from each learning space how they are reflective...

  • 3SM: Spencer - After each session during reflection time I try to reflect on areas that I could do better and extend my knowledge and skills in maths, reading and writing. 
  • 3JR: Clarence - Every time I don’t get something finished or correct, I reflect on what I have done. I think about what I did well and what I can do differently to reach my full potential next time. 
  • 3KO: Harper - It’s like when you think back to something. When I’ve done a test or something, I like to see how I have improved. 
  • 3LD: Kevin - I played soccer today at lunch. I have to be reflective during the game because it helps me know whether I did something good or not during the game. 

Watch out over the coming newsletters for different teams showing you how they represent the learner profile attributes!