Principal's Message 

What a great couple of weeks at ENPS…. The past two weeks have been so much fun however I think we are all eagerly awaiting the school holidays after an eleven week term! 


A big shout out to all of our teaching staff this week following a fantastic two nights of Parent-Teacher Interviews, along with all of the parents and carers who made the time and effort to attend. We certainly value the time with you and hope you did too. 


Another shout out this week to Nathan L (6MP) who on Thursday competed in the Regional Cross Country. Nathan’s effort was fantastic coming 18th out of 81 runners in his event. Not quite enough to make the State Championship but what an absolutely incredible achievement and representative for our school. Congratulations Nathan, we are so proud of you!

Nathan L (6MP) at Regional Cross Country!
Nathan L (6MP) at Regional Cross Country!

Staffing Updates

As we head towards the end, we have a few staffing updates. James Reid is currently on leave travelling through Europe, returning for the start of Term Three. Lisa Do will then head off travelling the world for the duration of Term Three. We are currently going through the recruitment process to secure Lisa’s replacement and hope to have that finalised early next week. 


Julie Schenk will also be heading off on Long Service Leave at the start of Term Three. Thank you to all of the parents who have already volunteered to help out in the library while Julie is away! Our technician, Jenn, will also be heading off overseas for a couple of weeks to celebrate her grandmother’s 100th birthday!


Next term will also see Mina Stephens head off on Family Leave as she is expecting her second baby. Mina will return for the first week of term before starting leave. We are very excited to be welcoming Lindi De Angelis to our staff team as our Performing Arts teacher for the remainder of 2024. Lindi has wonderful experience as well as tremendous passion for the Arts so we are thrilled to have her join us from the start of next term. 


At as part of this week’s Parent-Teacher Interviews, we have highlighted the importance of being at school and on time every day. Throughout the year we will be closely monitoring absences and lateness. Please refer to my recent Compass message for more information. 

Student Toilets

Unfortunately, we are still awaiting the final work completion and opening of our new student toilet facilities. I will be crossing everything that they are ready for the start of the new term! 

Splash of Yellow Gala Ball

Last Saturday night, a group of ENPS staff (past and present) had the honour to attend the Splash of Yellow Gala Ball in memory of former student, Marcus Rosin, and to fundraise for the Children’s Cancer Foundation. We have so much love for the Rosin Family and this is such a very special cause, so close to our hearts at ENPS. Congratulations to Marisa, Fabian and Mia for raising $160,000 on the night! 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week for our final week of Term Two! Don’t forget there is an early finish next Friday at 2:30pm. Our final assembly next Friday will be at 2pm. As this is the final newsletter for the term, I wish everyone a safe and happy holidays and look forward to a wonderful term ahead in Term Three! 






Kate Barletta
