School Council

Well, winter has certainly arrived, and we are all feeling the cold mornings getting colder and colder!


Our School Council Learning Environments Sub-committee met on Monday evening with a full agenda to run through, and we are thrilled to be bringing you so many positive and engaging updates. From works happening on the school grounds, to exciting upcoming events and future works in the making.

Student Toilets

The student toilets, by far, is the most anticipated works happening on the school grounds to date. Thank you to all the parents and carers that stopped by for a quick sneak peek preview. We think you will all agree that they certainly look snazzy with warm hand dryers, big mirrors, shiny white toilets, nice big doors, and multiple different height sinks – wow!


Thursday just past was another opportunity for round two of an internal safety review and a few last-minute items to be finalised. The expectation of the students keeping these toilets respectfully clean is extremely important, so we want them to be perfect and in optimal working conditions to then hand over to the students. The excitement has built so much with the students, that a few classes have even sent some pretty persuasive letters to the Principal as to why they should be the first class to officially use the new toilets and deem them open. Who can convince Mrs Barletta the best and be the winning class?

McCulloch Street School Crossing

Communication is currently happening between Moonee Valley City Council, ENPS School Council and ENPS Year Three students; to improve the safety of the McCulloch Street crossing and prioritise the resurfacing, maintenance and repairs that are urgently required. The Year Three students from all classes in 3JR, 3KO, 3LD and 3SM have hand-written some exceptionally brilliant letters and provided photographic evidence to accompany our communication to MVCC. We are so proud of the Year Three students for stepping up and boldly writing their letters and connecting as a whole year level to take action in keeping our community safe. Well done Year Threes.

Helping Hands Day – Learning Environments and the Inclusive Playspace 

Stay tuned for an upcoming Helping Hands Day in mid-August. We would love to get the community involved in helping to plant bushes, trees and shrubs within the Inclusive Playspace area and get it back to looking green and bushy. Plus, some general help around the school grounds to tidy and spruce up our wonderful learning environments. Grab a coffee, get involved and help us maintain our beautiful school grounds - anywhere from 30 minutes onwards is enough time to make a difference. More information around dates and times to come via Compass.

Future Works – Learning Environments and Continuous Improvements

There’s a lot going on around the planning, maintenance and upgrading of our learning environments, general school grounds and the safety of our community. Current talks and future actions are being made for security surveillance around the school grounds, student safety policies, the Gillies Street gate entrance resurfacing, toilet waiting areas with planter boxes, upgrades to an exciting digging pit play space and the apple tree walkway.


Maintaining our community safety, continuous improvements and ongoing upgrades to the learning environments is reflective of our vibrant school and a wonderful way of engaging students, while providing our whole community with a sense of inclusion and belonging. Stay tuned for more information on these exciting future works and when plans will be implemented.

Trivia Night, Trivia Night, Trivia Night!

Tickets are now on sale! Organise a babysitter, put your table together, choose your dress-up theme and get ready to paint the town red. The ENPS Trivia Night is fast approaching.


The venue for the event will be Laila Reception in Brunswick, thank you for all the donations already provided. We are still on the lookout for more prizes - if you are able to source donations from your contacts please let the office know via email at We hope to see as many of our (adult) family members join us on this fun night! Thank you for your ongoing support.

2023 ENPS Trivia Night
2023 ENPS Trivia Night

School Council

Our current School Council members include:


School Employee Representatives (4): Kate Barletta (Executive Officer), Alice Stephens, Christine Purcell, Darcy Wynd

Parent Representatives (6): Merter Kavas (President), Ben Suter (Vice President), Josh Briggs-Kelly (Treasurer), Jodie Elliott, Jenny Dinh and Mahmoud Amirgholi

Next School Council Meeting

Our next School Council meeting is scheduled to occur on Monday, 24th June 2024 at 6:00pm. As a council we would like to remind our community that we are here for any queries, questions or concerns you may have, and that we will continue to represent the community and parents to the best of our abilities. We look forward to staying connected and keeping you all updated.


Stay warm with your winter woollies,


ENPS School Council