School Captains

Hey everyone,


Welcome back to the School Captains' Report. This will be our last report before the school holidays! We hoped everyone enjoyed the very cold King's Birthday holiday last week and took advantage of the day off.


The last few weeks have been less busy than usual, as we have been finalising our last pieces of work for this term. On Monday this week, our reports were released in the afternoon. Following that, we had our Parent-Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Hoop Time training has started! Mini and Junior Hoop Time will start training with their Year Six Hoop Time coaches. Both us, School Captains are coaching, and we can’t wait to see you be risk takers and try your best. Have fun training!


On Thursday 13th of June, Melbourne shivered through its coldest day in five years, reaching a maximum of 10 degrees! That being said, be sure to stay safe, warm and healthy these holidays, as winter is at its peak.


On behalf of the students of ENPS, we hope everyone has a great holiday and make sure to get out and get active, as well as take in some fresh air. We all deserve these two weeks off, after an extremely busy term. We look forward to seeing you all back at school after the holidays. Make sure to stay cosy and as always, stay safe, healthy and happy!


Signing off,


Your School Captains - Harry and Saanvi