Health and Wellbeing 


Racism is the process by which systems and policies, actions and attitudes create inequitable opportunities and outcomes for people based on race. Racism is more than just prejudice in thought or action. It occurs when this prejudice – whether individual or institutional – is accompanied by the power to discriminate against, oppress or limit the rights of others. 


At the beginning of Term Three in Health and Wellbeing, our Year Six students will be learning about the effects of racism at school and in the community. This content will link with their current unit of inquiry, Nations evolve through migration. During their inquiry in Year Six classrooms this term, students have been explicitly discussing the words racism, bias and prejudice, and what unkind words and comments might sound like and how to not be a bystander at school and in our community.


We encourage our parents and carers to watch the two important videos below about racism and Mohamed's personal experience with racism as a school student. Our Year Six students will be watching the same videos in our Health and Wellbeing lessons next term. The Martin Luther King Jnr quote above is an example of quotes that will also be used in Health and Wellbeing classes to get Year Six students thinking about not being a bystander as we teach them about acceptance, respect and inclusivity.


We take this opportunity to share this content with families in advance, and appreciate your continued support in the home, with conversations around racism, bias, prejudice, and the impact of unkind words or comments based on appearance, culture, sexuality or beliefs. 


Craig Mather and Rhys McIntosh

Health and Wellbeing Team

Craig Mather, Health and Wellbeing Teacher
Craig Mather, Health and Wellbeing Teacher




Rhys McIntosh, Health and Wellbeing Teacher
Rhys McIntosh, Health and Wellbeing Teacher