Visual Arts

End of Term Happenings

It is a busy few weeks for the end of our semester in the art room. The students have been busy finishing off their amazing artworks.


Foundation students have been inquiring into all things ‘Senses’ - creating rainmakers that make the wonderful sound of rain when they are moved and pinch pots from sticky, smelly clay!!


Year One and Two students have been inquiring into Indigenous Australian author/illustrator, Sally Morgan and using her artworks as inspiration for their own creations.


Year Three and Four students have finished their Van Gogh inspired pieces and are now looking into the Chinese art form of Shan Shui - Shan (mountain) + Shui (water) and will be using traditional Chinese pen brushes and black ink, along with watercolours, to create a landscape painting.


Students in Year Five have been channelling their inner film director and have created some amazing stop motion productions. These are almost ready to present to the class.


Finally, the Year Six students have used clay to model a totem piece to add to our totem poles situated in the Inclusive Playspace. These are in the kiln being fired as I type!!! The students are now in the process of creating their Graduation Bears.


As I wrote earlier - a very busy few weeks in the Visual Arts room!!!!


Nicki Myszka

Visual Arts Teacher

Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher
Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher