Year Three

To provoke our new unit of inquiry, 'Where We Are in Place and Time', we organised an outdoor Scavenger Hunt at ENPS. Students explored our school's outdoor spaces in pairs, actively engaging with their environment.


During the hunt, students practised effective communication, shared ideas, and collaboratively made decisions on where to search. This hands-on learning experience encouraged students to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


The Scavenger Hunt was designed to ignite curiosity, excitement, and interest among students, tapping into their natural sense of wonder and encouraging exploration and discovery within the school environment. This was quite evident in the photos seen below.


Overall, the Scavenger Hunt was a perfect authentic introduction to exploring the central idea 'Humans discover through exploration'. It allowed students to directly experience the theme of exploration, laying a solid foundation for deeper understanding and investigation throughout the unit.


Lisa Do, Sharon McWhinney, Kellie Oxlade and James Reid

The Year Three Teaching Team