Inquiry Centre
Selamat Siang
Planning week has been lots of fun in the Inquiry Centre. Students have been working hard to finish off their Guided Inquiry time capsule projects. These will be available to view on Seesaw. Students have also been practising reading fluently out loud this week. They have been reading with a partner and using punctuation to help them read smoothly. Finally, we had our Guided inquiry Immersion for Term 3! Students explored some different sports they might find at the Olympics.
Thanks to all our wonderful families for your continued support!
Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.
Student Voice
- "We love seeing our Year 3 friends" - Meg and Sophie
- "High jump was fun and hard" - Jakob
- "I made a future smart watch" - Hudson
- Friday the 28th of June is Pajama & Teddy Day is on the last day of Term 2! - Please bring a gold coin donation.
- Please check that your child has permission to participate in the swimming program during weeks 1 and 2 of term 3.
- A reminder to continue recording books read at home to make progress in the Premier's Reading Challenge. If you have any questions please speak to your child's teacher.
- With Winter now here, please clearly label your child's jumpers and jackets with their FIRST and LAST name.
- Please make sure your child brings a filled water bottle to school each day.
- Keep up the nightly reading at home and writing in the reading journals.
- Students are reminded to bring their library bag to school on library days.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Meg W
For demonstrating a love of learning when writing a letter to someone 100 years in the future. Great work Meg!
1/2M - Henry S
For a fantastic effort on your weekend recount this week. You are gaining more confidence and we are impressed at your perseverance to give every task a go. Well done!
1/2S - Giselle R
For showing a love of learning and creativity during our Guided Inquiry sessions this week. You created some amazing items to put in your time capsule! Fabulous job Giselle!
1/2KS - Annika C
For displaying zest and a love of learning everyday. Well done on working hard in all learning areas Annika!
1/2E - Delvin T
For demonstrating perseverance and persistence when writing your Information Report! You used your best effort handwriting and published to achieve a great poster!