Independence Centre


Selamat sore 3/4 families!

On Tuesday the Independence Centre had their Specialist Day while the teachers spent the day planning new, fun and exciting activities for next term! A highlight from their day was the Science ‘Space Dome’ Incursion where they learnt about the moon, the sun and star constellations. 


Another engaging activity from our week was setting up for our Guided Inquiry Showcase for next Monday afternoon. Students have been working very hard on their projects for this final presentation. It was a great opportunity for students to look around at all the other groups and find out what they have been researching. We hope you can make it next Monday at 2:45pm-3:15pm! 


A message from Jess!!!!! 

On the 1/6/24 I had my baby boy. I'd like to introduce you all to Zephyr Bowie Hirvonen.He is the absolute best and I am loving all the newborn cuddles.For those who were guessing his length and weight, Zeph weighed 3.05kg and was 48cm long when he was born.


  • Guided Inquiry Showcase - Monday 24th June
  • Senior Athletics Carnival - Thursday 27th June. Please check Sentral permissions.
  • Swimming permission for Term 3 on Sentral 
  • Last day of term finish 2:30pm 

Pupil of the Week

3/4RM - Vidya 

For demonstrating perseverance during our Maths pre-assessment. Well done for discussing your next steps too!  


3/4B - Zoe M

For demonstrating zest and enthusiasm during our Guided Inquiry Immersion day on Monday. I can't wait to keep travelling and exploring Geography with you next term!


3/4W - Harper C

For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when drafting and publishing your Maths probability pages for our class book. Great effort, Harper!


3/4S - Jordan P 

For demonstrating creativity and perseverance when creating your artefact for our Curious Creators Museum.


3/4K - Evan C

For demonstrating creativity and perseverance when designing a detailed symmetrical Minecraft character in Maths.