Important Information
Hermit Crabs and Stick Insects
Are you after a special pet for the holidays? If you and your family would be interested in looking after either the hermit crabs or stick insects over the upcoming holidays please see Mr.Shaw.
Street Library
It is great to see a continued interest and enthusiasm for the Street Library with many families still accessing the books on offer. Because this is a wonderful community connection, we are asking if any parents/family members are interested in helping to coordinate the running of the Library.
This would commence over the school holidays and into next term. It would be good to have a small team involved so the responsibility can be shared. If you are willing to assist can you please see Mr. Shaw or Reception
School Lunch Orders - Thursdays
We are excited to let you know that lunch orders are back! These will begin in Term 2 and be available every Thursday for purchase. Please find attached the menu to see what is available. Orders will need to be placed via the Flexischools App
Parent Reps for each class for 2024.
FC - Justine Williams
FE - Belinda Stapleton and Tony Chung
FT - Noureen Changani
1/2A - Anna Dowling
1/2KS - Ritika Verma
1/2M - Georgie Hill
1/2S - Eunice Ouano
1/2E - Farzad Aghakarim Alamdara
3/4RM - Sally Harris
3/4B - Sarah Kirby
3/4W - Mais Sukkar
3/4S - Dayna Bailey
3/4K - Veronica Iredale and Kirsty Ojeda
5/6N - Jodi Vale
5/6S - Sarah Kirby
5/6E - Vaishali Jain
5/6FL - Ruchita Modi
5/6C - Vaishali Jain