Year 6 Celebration Newsletter

In Term Two, students in Year 6 completed a novel study based on the text ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ by Onjali Q.Rauf. We unpacked language features such as simile, metaphor and repetition, and investigated a variety of word and sentence types to implement into our writing. Students identified themes, summarised the text and discovered interesting and new vocabulary. We completed a Sketch & Summarise Project, where we had to summarise and create an image to represent each chapter of the text, as well as a book review, where we planned what we would do as authors of the next book in the series.
Throughout Term Two, students looked at writing to entertain and writing to narrate. We developed mystery narratives by planning an original idea and expanding on it. There was a focus on descriptive writing, following the correct structure and incorporating language features such as simile and metaphor. We focused on setting the scene, writing with lots of detail to ensure our readers could create a vivid image in their heads as they followed our stories. After writing thrilling narratives, we challenged ourselves to implement all the narrative features we had learnt into script writing. Students had to learn about the features of a play script, in order to write another story that people were able to perform. We learned about the importance of withdrawing, substituting and adding important dialogue and description, in order to allow the reader to imagine and perform our stories exactly how we imagined as the writer.
The Grade 6 students undertook a unit on the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We explored the connection between decimal numbers and the place value system, as well as the expression of decimal numbers within financial mathematics. Students created restaurant menus in which they had to add, subtract and multiply items to cater for a variety of customer situations. These situations included using vouchers to subtract and discounts and surcharges to experiment with using percentages. When investigating Statistics and Probability, the students collected categorical data with the use of a survey created with technology. We used Google forms to build our surveys and learnt about 5-point scales to include within our surveys. Students analysed their surveys, making observations on the outcomes using unbiased statements, conclusions, and suggestions.
Grade 6 students jumped into the Cosmic Connections Unit: exploring Earth’s place in the universe. Students learned that Earth is part of a system of planets and other celestial bodies, orbiting around the Sun, selecting a planet to investigate further and present information on. We were lucky enough to participate within the Space Dome Incursion, in which we travelled around the universe, projected onto an inflatable dome, just like a Mini-Planetarium at Kismet Park. Students also drew connections between outer space and natural disasters on our planet including drought, bushfires, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes.
Grade 6 students continued to enhance their wellbeing in partnership with The Resilience Project. We explored the importance of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness through a variety of learning experiences. Students developed a greater vocabulary to describe character strengths in both themselves, and inspirational Australian personalities. To display the gratitude we have for others, we also wrote gratitude letters to individuals that inspire us, who we are lucky to have in our lives.
In Grades 6 PE classes, students further developed their physical abilities through challenging activities and sports. In preparation for inter-school competitions, students learned, practised, and mastered different game-specific skills. They continued to refine their skills in different Athletic events with the opportunity to compete in these at Athletics Day. They refined techniques and strategies while developing sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork to best represent Kismet Park against other schools.
This term in Japanese, the Grade 6 students developed their reading, writing, speaking and listening through a unit focusing on food. Students learnt to identify, say and write a variety of food names. They built on their speaking and listening skills through learning to say "I like/dislike ___.” Students also learned about chopstick etiquette and Japanese vending machines. They continued to learn the three scripts of Japanese, with hiragana being the main focus. Students had opportunities to continue to move through the Hiragana Karate belts this term. They also learnt about cultural events in Japan such as Ohanami and Children’s Day.
Visual Arts
This term, students in Year 6 continued to explore new techniques and materials when creating their art. They learned about positive and negative shapes, as well as balance and space, as they created a 'Japanese Notan' design. Students created a 3-dimensional disco ball, using colours to create the illusion of depth and light. They explored new artists including Gustav Klimt as they studied his style and craft, and they worked as artists themselves - exploring their own style and talent. Students worked alongside a community artist as they created their own original canvas art for our upcoming Art Show. They worked towards being courageous artists who gave new techniques a try, and they worked safely in the art room. It has been a motivating time this term in the Visual Arts room.
Performing Arts
During Performing Arts in Term 2, Grade Six students culminated their semester-long mini production process by proudly presenting performances based on ‘Aesop fables’ to younger students. Students enjoyed working through the process of rehearsals, staging and creating digital backgrounds and were very excited to share their work with their Prep buddies, who loved the show! Towards the end of the term, Grade Six students began to develop their photography skills when exploring the concept of ‘Forced Perspective Photography’. Stay tuned to see this work at next term’s Art Show!