More Than Words

Portia Gowrie, Year 11, Ridgeway Campus


More than Words was a vocalist concert that took place this term at Buckley Hall. This was an opportunity to practice performing in front of a crowd and improve our overall vocal skills.  

I participated in the concert and had a great time not only meeting new, talented people from different age groups, but also getting a feel for what the audition process looks like for many people in the performing arts industry.  


We needed to submit a recorded audition song which we were given some advice on how to do. This was very new to me and took quite a few attempts to get the right lighting and audio. Then, If we were selected, we attended a workshop with Danielle O’Malley where we rehearsed our performances, receiving valuable feedback on how to improve for the final night.  


The night started off with the Celtic Band playing in the foyer while audience members arrived followed by a series individual performances as well as choirs. I loved listening to everyone’s pieces and the range of songs chosen; from originals to incredible covers each one was absolutely lovely to witness.