Parents' Association News & Events

Please take note in your diaries of a change in trivia date from Friday 14th June to Friday 26th July. Planning for this fun event is underway so please be sure to come along to this great friendraiser for parents of MPS.
2nd Hand Uniform sales will be held on the following dates:
Friday 19th July 3:15 - 3:45pm
Friday 13th September 3:15 - 3:45pm
Term 4 dates to be confirmed
Shorts and skorts two-for-$5, all other items $5 each.
Please note that all sales are EFTPOS only (no cash please).
If you would like to volunteer to help with the sorting or selling of 2nd hand uniforms, please email
Please label all uniform items, lunch boxes and drink bottles. Labels need to clearly show your child’s first name + surname or first initial + surname if you can’t fit the full detail on the tag.