School News

Prep enrolments for 2025
Prep enrolments for 2025 are being accepted and should be submitted by the end of term. If you know of families interested in attending Malvern Primary School in 2025, please encourage them to contact the school.
Please visit to see our zone.
Interschool Ski Competition
Parents are reminded that registration is open for students who wish to join the Malvern Primary School Ski Team in the upcoming Interschool Ski Competition. Registration Forms are due in by Thursday 11th July (last week of Term 2 holidays).
This year’s Interschool Ski Competition will be run from the 19th to 21st August at Mt Buller. Your child does not need any previous race experience to compete and it is open to all ages of Primary (Prep to Year 6). If you would like more information, please contact the office.
A news feed has been sent out with the details and necessary links. Please contact Robyn James or Jess Worboys if you have any questions.
End of Term Two
This Friday 28th June is the end of Term Two. Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm. Their Care will provide care for students from 2.30pm.
Beginning of Term Three
The first day of Term Three is Monday 15th July.