Message from the Principal 

St Peter’s School - an empowered faith community to enrich the world.

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final week of term two.

What a term it's been! We've had so much fun, learning, joy, growth, and countless blessings. Our hearts are filled with thanks for everyone at St Peter's- our wonderful students, staff, families, and parish community. 


As we look forward to the holiday break, we wish you all a time of rest, joy, and special moments with your loved ones. As we head into the holidays, we pray:


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of our school community. Bless our families with rest, joy, and togetherness during this holiday break. Keep us safe and fill our homes with Your love and peace. Help us return refreshed and ready for the new term.


St Peter's Feast Day Liturgy

Today is our Feast Day Celebration! Our special day begins with liturgy in the hall at 11:30 a.m., followed by a coffee cart in the school undercroft from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Come celebrate St Peter's with us and join other parents and carers for a warm drink and a catch-up. Please note that Term 2 will finish for students at 1:00 p.m. today., and they will be dismissed from their classrooms at that time.


Semester 1 Reports Released Today

Our teachers have been working very hard on their assessments and reports to provide a detailed account of your child's progress. Please take the time to read these with your family and appreciate your child's achievements and strengths as you review the report. There is lots to celebrate! The reports will be released later this afternoon on PAM.


Student-Led Conferences

We will be holding Student-Led Conferences in Week 2 on Thursday, 25th July. On this day, the school will be open from 2 pm to 5 pm for your child to share their learning with you. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the classroom and celebrate your child's progress. They will proudly share their current learning goals and show you around their learning space. Please note that this will not be a time for one-on-one discussions with the class teacher.


To facilitate this celebration of learning, the school will finish at 1:15 pm on this day. Camp Australia will be available from this time for families needing this service.

Farewell Ms K

You may have heard the news via email that Ms K (Ms Nerissa Kinnaird) has decided to resign from St Peter’s as she prepares to move away from Melbourne.


Ms K has been part of our school, parish, and community for over twelve years, playing a vital role in supporting our children, families, and staff. We thank Ms K for her dedication and wish her the best in her endeavours.


Please join us in thanking and bidding farewell to Nerissa on Wednesday, July 31st. We will have an assembly at 2:30 p.m., followed by an afternoon tea right after school.


Farewell to the Igbokwe Family

Today, we also say goodbye to the Igbokwe family- Zoey, Rosemary, Noble, and Zane, a former student at our school. The entire family has been heavily involved in the life of our school, and we thank them and wish them well in their future endeavours.


Thank you!! For your support

Wow, that term flew by! Thank you, St Peters community, for your support during my role as Acting Principal this term. I'm proud to be part of this wonderful community.


Sharon is back from her long service leave, refreshed and ready to resume her role as Principal next term. I'll resume my role as Deputy Principal, carrying your encouragement with me.


A big thank you to our staff, amazing students, Father Andrew, Acting Deputy Principal Mrs DeVisser, and our school and parish community. Your support and kindness have been invaluable to me.

Welcome New Families

Over the past fortnight, we have warmly welcomed a new family to our school community: the Jino family, who joined us in 3/4L. We are thrilled to have you as part of our school community.


Term 3 Dates

A reminder that school resumes for all students on Monday, 15th July.


Enjoy your holiday break!


Belinda Mihalicek

Acting Principal