Mental Health & Wellbeing Report

Dear Parents/Carers,
Please see the information beabout "The importance of sleep".
Often when we check-in with students at school they tell us they are feeling tired. Research has shown that tiredness contributes to an increase in grumpiness, hyperactivity, more severe ‘meltdowns’ and school refusal. Moreover, the findings from a number of sleep-related studies in children highlight sleep deprivation as a major cause for behavioural challenges both at school and at home, and concluded that good sleep hygiene practices are crucial for ALL children.
Getting enough sleep is vital for your child's physical health, brain function, emotional wellbeing, safety, and ability to function day to day. Having a good night's sleep can help your child be happier, helps them to concentrate and remember things, and improves their behaviour. Sleep plays an important role in your child’s overall health and well-being. Teaching good sleep habits early can majorly impact the rest of their lives. It’s never too late to start building a better sleep routine for ourselves and the next generation.
I have attached a fact sheet that outlines the importance of sleep and strategies you can implement at home. I hope you find it useful and give some of the strategies a go to support a better night’s sleep for all.
“Sleep is the best meditation” – Dalai Lama
Kind Regards,
Vanessa Moore
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWC)