Literacy News

Mrs Elise Rimington

St Michael’s is excited to have our new Take Home Reading Library available for our Prep - Year 2 classes. While we continue to change to the new approach to Literacy, we retain our ‘levelled’ texts to support the transition.



  • These have been placed into stages that align with our phonics program Little Learners Love Literacy
  • You child’s class teacher will be able to identify which stage (box) your child will be selecting books from
  • Students will be swapping their books weekly or bi-weekly - the same day that teacher checks in with your child during the morning reading time



Some stages are separated into three different word counts (LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH). These do not reflect the level of difficulty, simply the word count of the text. This is to support developing stamina in young readers.


STAGE 1 - has been separated into word count

STAGES 7.1 - 8 has been separated into word count


All the books have a sticker on the back top right corner of the book that matches the colour of the stage. This is to support students returning the book to the correct book box. Those separated into word count have a L M or H so that they can be replaced into the correct box.



  1. You will notice that the Aussie Decodable Readers have comprehension questions at the back of the book that may support your conversation while reading the text with your child.


  1. You do not have to read the entire book in one sitting. This can lead to avoidance. Start with a page and build up to the entire text as stamina increases.


  1. Rereading is imperative for developing fluency. It is encouraged that the text is read many times before it is swapped.


If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or directly to me via the schools phone number or email address