Technology update

Neil Thomas, ICT Manager 

Championing e-safety 

St Mary's College ICT Manager, Neil Thomas has joined a community of teachers and staff representatives dedicated to prioritising online safety at schools across Australia. 


Neil is now a registered eSafety Champion, which provides him with the necessary tools, resources and support to lead the conversation about online safety at the College.


As a member of the eSafety Champions Network, Neil will have access to eSafety's expert education and training team. He will also receive access to online training and events with eSafety specialists to help our College safeguard against online harms, promote positive online experiences and request support and advice on online issues affecting our school and wider community. 


In a proactive measure to increase our students' awareness of what cyberbullying is and why it is so harmful, the College will be adding two informational images (pictured below) which will be displayed on rotation around our school. 

eSafety helps prevent and deal with cyberbullying and its impacts. For more information, please visit the eSafety Commissioner website.