From the Principal

Damian Messer

As we approach the end of another fulfilling term at St Mary’s College, it is with great pleasure that we reflect on the accomplishments and growth of our students. This Fountain newsletter serves as a testament to the dedication of our staff, the support of our parents and the enthusiasm of our students in making this term a successful one. 


With the reporting period now completed and the Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences on the horizon for next term, there is much to celebrate and anticipate. 

Celebrating achievements

Throughout this term, our students have excelled academically, creatively and athletically. We've seen exceptional progress in various subjects, reflecting the hard work and commitment of both students and teachers. From outstanding performances in mathematics and science to impressive literary and artistic achievements, every student has contributed to our school's vibrant academic atmosphere. 


Moreover, our cocurricular activities have thrived, offering students opportunities to explore their passions beyond the classroom. Whether through music, sports, drama or debating, our students have demonstrated remarkable talent and dedication. Their achievements in these areas not only enrich their educational experience but also contribute to a well-rounded school community.

International Mud Day: Kinder group's adventure

This term, our Kinder students celebrated International Mud Day with great enthusiasm. This event not only allowed our young learners to connect with nature but also fostered creativity and collaboration. The joy on their faces as they engaged in mud play, building structures and exploring sensory experiences was truly heartwarming. 


International Mud Day provided a valuable opportunity for the Kinders to develop their motor skills, social interactions and appreciation for the environment. We look forward to more engaging activities that enrich our early childhood education program.

Festival of Voices: a melodic journey 

The Festival of Voices was a resounding success this week, showcasing the musical talents of our Year 5 students. The festival not only highlighted our commitment to arts education but also fostered a sense of community through shared creativity and expression. 


We commend all participants for their dedication and look forward to nurturing our musical talents further in the upcoming terms.

Upcoming: Parent/Student/Teacher Learning Conferences 

As we prepare for the next term, we eagerly anticipate our Parent/Student/Teacher Learning Conferences that take place on Monday 22 July. These conferences are invaluable opportunities for parents/carers and teachers to discuss student progress, set goals and strengthen the home-school partnership. 


We encourage all parents and carers to actively participate in these conferences to gain insight into their child's academic and personal development. Together, we can ensure each student receives the support and guidance they need to thrive. 

  • Junior School parents/carers will have received an email from the College yesterday (Tuesday 2 July) providing information on the Learning Conferences and the process for booking an interview. 
  • Senior School parents/carers will be emailed this information on Friday 5 July with the Mid-Year Reports. 

In conclusion, the end of this term marks not only a time for reflection but also a time for gratitude and anticipation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated teachers, supportive parents and enthusiastic students for their contributions to our school community. 


As we look ahead to the next term, we are excited about the opportunities for growth, learning and collaboration that lie ahead. Let us continue to work together to inspire and empower our students to achieve their fullest potential. 


Thank you once again for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We wish you all a restful and enjoyable break and look forward to welcoming you back for another enriching term at St Mary’s College.