2025 Year 7 students & families

by Mr Michael Oaten, Assistant Principal

Transition Evening 

On Tuesday 26 November, we will be hosting our 2025 Year 7 Transition Evening for the students and their parents/carers. Information has been shared with families via Compass with more details to be provided in the coming week.   

Instrumental Music Night  

On Monday 2 December we will run our Instrumental Music Night. This night is an opportunity for our new Year 7 students (2025) and their parents/carers to learn about the music program offered at BHHS and to sign up for learning an instrument in 2025. There will be staff and student performances, along with music staff talking about what instruments and musical opportunities are on offer. More information will continue to be shared via Compass.   

Orientation Day and Orientation Day Morning Tea  

The statewide Orientation Day is on Tuesday 10 December. On the morning of Orientation Day, parents/carers are invited to stay for morning tea (9:30-10:30am). A TryBooking link has been shared on Compass where you can register your expression of interest to attend.