Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: Continue working on general multiplication skills and number facts.
Hats: Please remember that hats are a requirement for Term 4. Please ensure you child has a hat so that they are being sun safe and can play out in the sun.
Year 5 Celebration of Learning: Thank you to the students for their great work and ability to talk about their learning, passion and artistic responses. Thank you to our Year 5 families for their attendance on the night and the interest that parents showed in their child’s and others learning. There were some great conversations happening in the room.
Year 6 Exhibition: Exhibition Night will be on Tuesday, November 5th at 6.30pm and we will aim for the Worship Centre to be open by 6.15pm. Students will be preparing their presentations during the day on Tuesday. Students are asked to wear formal uniform unless they are dressed in something that relates to their issue and enhances their presentation. Students will also present to the school on Wednesday, November 6th.
Year 6 Graduation: We would like to share a photo gallery of the graduating class on graduation night. We need 2 photos of your child to show how they have grown up into the students we know today. These photos can be emailed to Ms. Neumann ( ASAP. Please include a baby photo and first day of school photo. Please note the Important dates:
- Exhibition Presentation Night at 6:30pm – Tuesday, 5th November
- Graduation Dinner: Wednesday 27 November – details are being finalised and will be released in the coming week.
- Closing Service at 9.15am - Wednesday 11 December (please note the change to the morning from previous years)
- Year 6 Graduation Service at 7.00 pm - Wednesday 11 December
Current and Upcoming Learning
Christian Studies: Students have begun their unit on, ‘Christians have a responsibility in and for the world’. This unit is about how we have the responsibility to be stewards (caretakers) of the world that God has created. Students have been inquiring into which groups in our world are caretakers of their issue and what they do. This week, we will be using the arts to create stop motion videos to represent and retell Bible stories that connect with their issues.
Unit Of Inquiry Time for Year 5s: The Year 5s have reflected on their learning in their ‘How We Express Ourselves’ unit of inquiry. While the Year 6s are working towards their exhibition next week, the Year 5s are learning about writing formal letters. Students will be writing letters of application for leadership roles in the school.
Exhibition: The Year 6s have, again, been extremely busy this week. They have created a plan for their presentation which has included creating a prioritised list of jobs that they are working through. Our aim is to support children to be independent in their preparation, but we also recognise the levels of support that some students may need. Some students are still researching to answer questions while others are creating or printing diagrams, pictures, graphs, statistics and other information that informs their inquiry and provides provocations for them to share their knowledge and understanding. We ask that parents continue to communicate with teachers about any concerns or queries.
Literacy: As mentioned, the Year 5s literacy will be related to their leadership letter writing. Year 6s reading and writing is related to Exhibition.
Mathematics: The students will be applying their knowledge of angles as they begin to code using the Sphero robots. To do this, they will need the app Sphero edu.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow