Year 2/3

Home Inquiry
Mathematics: Explore that there a 100c in a dollar this week. How many ways can you use coins to make 85c?
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.
Inquiry: How has our school community changed since you began school in Foundation? Create a list of changes that have happened to our school since you’ve been here. Think staff, buildings, families, classes and more.
Learning this week:
PAT Testing: This week our focus will be on completing annual PAT tests which will cover Spelling, Reading and Mathematics. We will do these throughout the week and aim to catch up on any missed tests on Thursday and Friday. This works well for us as a morning routine during swimming week.
Writer’s Workshop: We have started this term exploring Information Texts. We are currently creating our books based on our own choice of an expert topic while we learn about the structure and features of Information Texts. We will then choose material to research and then present facts to the class in the form of an oral presentation. We are aiming to present in Week 5.
Mathematics: We will continue exploring money this week and spend some time revisiting the number strand including looking at: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue working on our final unit of inquiry this week: How We Organise Ourselves with a focus on ‘Changing Communities’.
Swimming Week – This year 2/3T will be attending Swimming Week as a class in Week 4, along with the other year 3/4 classes. Please return the consent forms for Swimming They were due Friday Week 2. The dates for swimming: Monday 4th November – Thursday 7th November.
Pupil Free Day – Term 4- Please note that Friday Week 5 (15th November) is a Pupil Free Day.
Carols Evening – The annual schools carols evening is slated for Friday Week 7 (29th November). Please save the date, with more information to come.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher