Year 1/2

Sunscreen, Hats, Water Bottles 

With the lovely sunny weather comes high UV rating and the recommendation for sunscreen. We encourage sunscreen applied at home and then children top up before recess in class. If your child cannot wear the school supplied Woolworths brand sunscreen, please pack a labelled container in your child’s bag.  


Home Inquiry 

What units of measurement are used around your house? You could start in the kitchen looking at food packets e.g. litres, millilitres, grams. What else is measured? Focus on length, mass and capacity before extending further e.g. time, calendar, data, etc. 


Take Home Books 

Please bring these to school on Mondays in the clear plastic envelope for changing. On other days the clear plastic envelope can remain at home. Students are encouraged to borrow 4 books a week.  


Reading – We encourage approximately 10-15 minutes each night.  


Learning for Weeks 4 and 5:   


In Reader’s Workshop, students read and understanding poetry through reading popular children’s series’ such as Dr Seuss, Noni the Pony, Hairy Maclary and Llama, Llama.  


In Writer’s Workshop, students identify features and language of persuasive texts e.g. advertising posters, book reviews and use this in their own writing. 


Week 4 


Year 1 au – e.g. author, astronaut 

Year 2o for/u. – e.g. gloves, dozen  

Grammar Focus 

Year 1: antonyms e.g. tall/short 

Year 2: prepositions e.g. on, in, under, next to 


Week 5 


Year 1 or e.g. fork, storm 

Year 2 or, ai, au, aw e.g. north, straw 



Grammar Focus 

Year 1: alphabetical order 

Year 2: finding the meaning of words 



Students identify key skills used for measurement e.g. units of measurement need to be the same, no gaps, straight lines for length etc. They compare measurements e.g. longer/shorter, a container holds more/less liquid, the object has a higher/lower mass. This is done using informal measurements. 


Unit of Inquiry: Where We Are in Place and Time 

Students record the changes in different areas over time e.g. technology, transport, communication, toys and schooling. They look for connections between now and the past e.g. children play with toys. 


If you have any clothes or technology devices from the past that you are happy for us to look at or use during this unit, we would appreciate you sending them in. 


Christian Studies: Christian Church 

Key Idea 3:  Christians Pray, Worship and Celebrate the Sacraments. 

Students inquire into prayer - who prays, how do they pray, where do they pray, what do they pray, etc. Students have already been sharing their prayer experiences from different religions during class discussions. Students will continue their learning by using their senses to explore prayer through play. 



Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.  

  • Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing. 
  • water bottles 
  • a fruit/veg snack 
  • recess 
  • lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home 
  • Cancer Council recommends hats and sunscreen when the UV rating is 3 or above. 


Library Borrowing  

Class borrowing is on Wednesdays (Year 1/2Z) and Thursdays (Year 1/2AK). Students can borrow 2 books for up to 2 weeks, or longer if needed. Your child can borrow books on other days during the week if they would like new books before the class borrowing day. 


Year 2 Camp  

AFL Max, West Beach, Tuesday 19th November to Wednesday 20th November. 


May God bless your week, 

Melanie and Ellen  


Melanie Arnold 

Tim Kriewaldt 

Ellen Zimmer