Around the School

Assembly Awards


Assembly and Chapel 

Roster - Term 4

Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre. 


Classes presenting at assembly this term are:

18/11/202463/4 Cluster
2/12/20248Music specialist and TK award
9/12/20249No assembly

Pupil Free Day

Sports & Special Photos

If you wish to view and or purchase the school sports and special photos please click on the following link

Online Ordering - The School Photographer

enter in the following code


Photo prices are $20 each, 2 for $36, 4 for $60 or 5 for $72.

Photos will be available to view and purchase online only.


Car Park and Kiss n Drop Zone

A friendly note to remind everyone of the importance of adhering to the speed limit in the car park.

The car park is a busy space, slowing down ensures the safety of all students, staff and families.

Please be mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles.


When using the kiss n drop zone, where possible, please have children exit the vehicle on the left side. If your child requires assistance with exiting the vehicle, for safety we request that you park in the car park rather than use the kiss n drop zone.


Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to keeping our school community safe.

Class Placements 2025

A strongly considered and prayerful process is undertaken during the fourth term in regard to the placement of students in their class for 2025.  


Part of this process involves our parents and caregivers providing any relevant information to the school for consideration; friendships, ongoing issues with peers, etc. Students have also been asked about their friendship group/s and peers with whom they like to learn. Please communicate any thoughts or concerns that are still relevant, rather than those that necessarily related to reasons for placement in previous years. As a school, we guarantee that every child will be with at least one friend who they have nominated.


Many factors are considered in the placement of students including learning style and needs, emotional/social needs, gender mix, personality traits and the like.


Parents/caregivers are asked to provide us with any information which you believe is relevant by Monday 11th November. Please seek to avoid making requests for specific teachers as we are unable to accommodate those requests.  


It is preferred that you communicate via email to either 

Tim Kriewaldt (Deputy Principal) or 

Jayne Zadow (Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning)


All emails received will be acknowledged.  


As you would understand we take the process of allocation very seriously and believe that the final classes are the result of much work, thought, and prayer. It is important that you take this opportunity to share concerns or information as once classes are finalised, there is no room for change. 

Fete Show Bags For Sale





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