Kings Park Campus Principal Message

It has been a great, yet busy, start to Term 4 at the Kings Park Campus as we work towards the end of the school year and plan for 2025. Our Year 9 and 10 students are about to complete their studies for the academic year and commence preparations for their examinations, which will take place at the Delahey Campus. Our Year 7 and 8 students are looking forward to our End-of-Year activities to celebrate what has been a productive and rewarding year for them.
Like the Sydenham Campus we held our celebrations of the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2024 in our Campus Library. While the students enjoyed the pizza and soft drink on offer, they were most excited by the choice of four books they each had that were provided as part of the Challenge.
We have continued to provide students with
new laptops, sourced through ABCN. ABCN continues to support our students at Copperfield College with resources and opportunities to aspire and reach their potential. A select number of Year 9 students attended the ABCN Technical Careers Workshop to help them build confidence in their Career decisions. Students explored careers in Technology and observed the practical application of technology in the workplace. The expo is designed to be interactive and gives students the opportunity to experience hands on learning about different technical roles.
Our Year 10 interested in the VCE VM Program at Delahey commenced their 2025 transition via the Welcome to VM 2025. Year 10 students participated in activities organised by current Year 11 VCE VM students. The activities focussed on problem-solving and team building. The Year 10 students were also able to ask questions of their VM peers and in doing so gain a better understanding of the VM Program.
Our Year 10 Advance students visited FareShare in Abbotsford. They volunteering their time to prepare and pack meals in readiness for distribution towards people in need across the State of Victoria.
We currently have students in Japan with Mary Chiodo, Bobby Todorovski, Junko Takahama and Taylor Van Orsouw. The students have developed a dance routine they will perform for the Japanese students at Fuji Junior High School. They also made one thousand paper cranes to take on the trip.
In terms of buildings and grounds we have decanted with the temporary Administration Office being the ‘old’ staffroom. Thus, the refurbishment of the Administration Office has begun.
The Principal Team attended the Western Chances Awards last week.
Past Copperfield recipients were there including Faith Samuels our School Council student representative from 2023.
Here are this year’s Premier's Reading challenge award winners at their celebration lunch this term.
We are currently offering tours for students and families considering Copperfield College for 2025. We had more than 20 students and families attend the Kings Park Campus last week.
We continue to speak with our students and staff about our 2024 Campus goals;
Every teacher is a teacher of literacy, numeracy, student behaviour and wellbeing.
Student attendance is everyone's responsibility.
Build POSITIVE and RESPECTFUL relationships and connectedness within the school community. Use data informed seating plans to provide a routine and safe learning environment.
It is pleasing to see the high number of genuine positive Compass posts, recognition of the many good things our students do. We thank teachers for taking the time to let students know that you notice them when they demonstrate the best versions of themselves.
Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals