Delahey Campus Principal Message

It is the season of exams!
As we commence Term 4, our Year 12 students concluded their 13 years of schooling.
The VCE students had compulsory practice exams over term 3 holidays. These exams provided valuable feedback for students preparing for their VCAA exams. A special thank you to the Campus Leaders Mara Aleardi and Bobby Todorovski for assisting with the running of the trial exams week, along with Junko Takahama (Japanese Teacher) who facilitated language oral trial exams during the term break. Some VCE VM students have returned to complete their school finalising courses and or preparing for their school exit interviews. Thank you to James Inabinet (VM Leading Teacher) who has guided them along this journey.
Students studying LOTE, Music Performance and VET Music have already commenced their official exams, while most students will sit the English Exam on October 29th, 2024.
We wish all students the confidence and focus needed to do their best.
Celebration Day
The Class of 2024 celebrated the end of their formal secondary schooling with a range of festivities held at the Delahey campus. Dress-ups, fairy floss, popcorn, doughnuts and slushies were the order of the day. The students did themselves proud with great costumes, celebrating in a joyous and positive manner.
Following the Delahey festivities, students visited the Junior Campuses to bid farewell to their junior teachers and ‘line up one last time at the canteen’. Students were joined by members of the Senior Management Team and greeted with enthusiasm by the staff and students at the junior campuses. We are proud of the class of 2024, for their behaviour was exemplary.
Well done Class of 2024!
Thank you to all the staff who were involved in making this day magical. In particular, thank you to the Team Leaders, Ms. Northorpe, Ms. Derks and Ms. Dagher, Mr. Lam and Mr. Subotic and of course Som Souriyavong (Librarian).
Mahdia (Bibi) Adilzadeh (1P3) shines at the South Western Victoria Region Staff Forum
Mahdia (Bibi) Adilzadeh of 1P3 was recently invited to be a guest speaker at the South Western Region Staff Forum. Mahdia’s Educational Journey keynote address was the perfect commencement to the forum and really appreciated by the more than 400 people in the room.
She spoke with confidence, passion and allowed herself to be courageously vulnerable. Mahdia should be incredibly proud of herself, as we are of her. This is certainly not an easy task to undertake and she was truly inspirational!
Attendees at the forum stated that “Mahdia's story helped remind us of our purpose” and that “there so much inspiration from Mahdia, the student from Copperfield College speaking. Really motivated me to continue having an impact on students. Thanks!”
Mahdia has been invited to be a guest speaker and represent Copperfield College at the WELS Transition Program which will take place November 6, 2024. Mahdia will provide a short, informative talk about her secondary school experience and be a panel member for Q& A Time.
Copperfield College congratulates Mahdia for all her amazing achievements
Year 12 Art Making and Exhibiting
Year 12 Art Making & Exhibiting students have completed their final artworks which are now on display in the front office at Copperfield College Delahey.
Congratulations to all 16 students who have worked meticulously on their creative concepts and mastered their selected materials. Thank you to Ms Gualtieri ( Year 12 Art Making and Exhibiting) for the support and guidance provided.
We invite all to visit the exhibition and view the amazing work that will be on display until the end of term.
Year 11 Connect Pat Cronin PresentationAlan from Pat Cronin engaged our Year 11 VCE students with content and activities that raise awareness about coward punch and give tools and strategies to young people to respond appropriately in difficult social situations.
Alan is a former rugby player and security guard for celebrities who have visited Melbourne over the years, and as such he brings a wealth of experience in this area.
Thank you to the Alan and Pat Cronin Foundation for enriching our students’ social skills again, and we look forward to working with you in 2025.
Dancing all the way to Hip Hop Championships
Congratulations to KSTAR JV Mega Team as they danced their way into the Top 5 in Australia and secured a spot at the HHI World Hip Hop Championships in the USA this August!
A special round of applause to our incredible Copperfield College students, Viola Mo (1G4) and Harleena Casem (XC1), for not only representing the college but the entire country.
VET Sports
Year 11 VET Sports, Aquatics and Recreation travelled to Body Fit Training (Braybook) for a Cardio Summit work out.
The owner of BFT Anthony shared his experiences with our students, who also aspire to own a business within the fitness industry in the future.
Delahey Experience for Mackellar Primary School Students
The Delahey Campus will be hosting 44 Mackellar Primary students on November 8th, 2024. Students will get to experience a senior environment and participate in a range of science activities.
Thank you to Bobby Todorovski (Campus Leader- Copperfield College) and Lauren Wishart (Learning Specialist-Mackellar Primary School) for this wonderful partnership.
Meditation and Maximising Performance
Brad Felstead from Felstead Education delivered sessions on Wednesday October 16th to the Year 11 VCE students about meditation and maximising performance. Students
Students were engaged in a number of activities informing them about best ways to reduce stress and understanding the importance of sleep.
Japan Study Tour
Wishing our staff and students a spectacular time on the Japan study tour!
Looking forward to hosting in 2025.
Virtual School Familiarisation Tour
Early in Term 3, our college participated in a DOE initiative to promote our international students’ program through the creation of a promotional videoclip showcasing our strong international students’ program, our school facilities and the great opportunities international students ae provided when they choose to enrol in our school.
This video clip was launched on Thursday October 23, along with four other public schools and during the international students’ exhibition in Victoria. Many agents from around the world also participated online viewing our presentation.
A special thank you to all the students involved, Ha To (International Students Coordinator) and to Mia Chircop ( College Captain), Ali Kacmazer ( Senior Student Leader), Simarjot Kaur ( International Student) and Hoang Mai Tran ( International Student) who participated in the Q & A Panels.
The video is featured on the College website.
Western Chances Scholarships
Congratulations to the following Delahey Students who were recently awarded a Western Chances Scholarship
Ali Agha Ali Zada (1P3), Minjoo Baik (1 R2) and Ali Kacmazer (2 Y4)
Upcoming Events
Several events and activities are planned for Term 4.
Year 12 Exams -October 29th – November 20th, 2024
Year 12 Formal, Wednesday 27th November and the year will conclude with the Year 12 Graduation and Awards Night that will take place Tuesday, December 17th.
Year 11 Exams- November 11th -November 15th, 2024
Year 11-12 Transition - November 18th- November 29th, 2024
Year 10-11 Transition – November 25th- November 29th, 2024
Soula Dedes
Delahey Principal
Ms Soula Dedes Campus Principal