Principal's Post

Dear Families,
In the three weeks we have been back this term so much learning and so many extra curricular activities have taken place. Our whole school focus on the value of cooperation has had a very positive impact on our students both in the classroom and on the playground. It's very satisfying to see evidence of cooperation in practice.
Thanks so much to Dan Savoia and all the volunteers who helped with the Bunnings BBQ on the weekend. They managed to raise over $2000 profit for our P & F funds.
We are all looking forward to our whole school Twilight Sports this Thursday afternoon. Just a reminder of a few logistical essentials:
- all students wear their Sports Uniform to school on Thursday and may wear a house coloured T Shirt if they wish - Red, Blue, Green, Gold
- students will need an additional afternoon snack to be packed with their lunch
- students will take their bags with their hat, drink bottle and food to the track
- we will transport students to the track via a shuttle bus service in time for the commencement of the sports
- parents/carers must be there at 4.30pm to take your children home
- parents/grandparents/siblings are most welcome to attend to view the events
- start time is 1.30pm
- finish time is 4.30pm
- there will not be any food or drink sales this year
- the venue is the same as previous years - Bill Sewart Athletics Track, located behind the Nunawading Basketball Stadium. Enter from Burwood Highway.
Our Year 5 and 6 students participated in a Bike Ed program on Friday. Despite a rainy start, the clouds cleared for a beautiful day of bike safety and fun. Here are some photos of the day.
Classlist Groupings for 2025
We will commence the process of grouping students into their 2025 classes in the next few weeks. This is a lengthy process which staff put a lot of time and thought into.
Any requests to support your child in their social/emotional development MUST include valid reasons and be made via email to myself via no later than Monday 11 November. Requests after this date cannot be taken into consideration.
Requests are not a "teacher shopping" opportunity. Please remember that the students will all end up in one of two classes. Please also remember that requests to separate students for social/emotional reasons may result in your child also being separated from their support network who may be placed in the other class.
My advice is to trust our judgement, because we know and observe the students for many hours in many settings each week of the year.
Prep to Year 4 Swimming
Our Prep to Year 4 Swimming and Water Safety Program at Knox Leisureworks will commence on 18th to 29th November. All details regarding the two week swimming program will be shared via Operoo early this week, so please look out for this. If you have any questions, please feel free to email your child's classroom teacher or the office.
Parish Fete Donations
We are asking all families to donate a family block of chocolate and a bag of lollies by Friday 8 November to be used for the lob a choc and lolly stalls. These can be placed in class tubs each morning by the students.
Any toy donations for the second hand toy stall can be left in the boxes in the foyer of the Community Centre.
Parish Fete and Raffle
Thank you to the families who have already returned their raffle books. We appreciate it.
Please sell and return your tickets ASAP. We will have a few spare additional books for families who wish to sell more than one book.
Grace Dobsons family were the lucky winners of the early sellers prize. The Dobsons will receive a voucher in the coming weeks.
Stall volunteer sign up docs are in the Fete Newsletter below:
Remember the new 2025 Initiative: unless you have already committed to another stall. Year Level Stalls to volunteer for are listed below:
Prep - Popcorn/Fairyfloss
Year 1 - Snowcones
Year 2 - Lolly Stall
Year 3 - Donuts
Year 4 - Cakes
Year 5 - Coffee
Year 6 - JJ's Cafe
MACS have mandated that all schools transition to an outside of school hours care service which is overseen by their organisation. We have been chosen as a school which will move over to the new company MACSEYE commencing in the 2025 school year. They have assured us that there will be a seamless transition and places available for all families who require bookings. We are grateful for the relationship we have shared with Camp Australia over past years at St James.
Camp Australia recently ran a national competition for students who attend the program to design a message about the program to celebrate their 30th years of operating. Zoe's design was also chosen as a winning design and consequently, Zoe received a hoodie with the design printed on it. Well done on your beautiful artwork Zoe.It was marvellous to have 2 x St James winners - Machaela & Zoe, in this National competition with over 1000 entries.
School Uniform - SPARTAN
St James school uniform will now be available at the Spartan School World shop at U12/100 New St, Ringwood. Please note the change in address.
Due to the short week next week, we will not have an update sheet.
Have a great week, enjoy the extra long weekend with no school on Monday or Tuesday next week.