Over the last two weeks, for Cross Curriculum and English, Yr 5-6 students have been choosing and researching famous scientists and inventors and recording facts about them in their own words. We have also been gradually watching a movie on treasure found in the ocean.
Our students are now fully immersed in the preparation for the whole school production, which is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26th. With the guidance of Miss Parry, they have taken an active role in creating a cleverly written script. We encourage you to keep this night free, as our students are eager to share this unique experience with you.
During math lessons, we learned about mass and weighing objects using a weighted scale (like the one used in the olden days), an analogue scale and a digital scale. Yesterday, the students learnt about millilitres and litres. The students refreshed their memories on the fact that there is 1000 mL (millilitres) to one litre – 1L – Tannah gave us this information! They also measured the containers' capacity using measuring cups and jugs and recorded their findings. After the lesson, Lil remembered learning to read measurements on a jug, is like reading a vertical number line. Sophie knew that to measure liquid accurately, you had to get at eye level with the top of the liquid. The students enjoyed working with water outside on such a beautiful day.
This week, the student will start a new RE unit called Feast of the Christmas Season. This unit will focus on Christmas through a Catholic lens, identify the major feasts of the Christmas season —Christmas Day, the Feast of the Mother of God, the Feast of the Holy Family, and the Epiphany—and explain the significance of the feasts of the Christmas season, and examine and interpret the meaning of the metaphor, Jesus as light.
There is homework this week until week 9 - so there are only four more weeks this year for it, including this week. Thank you for your continued support in assisting our students to complete it. If nothing else, they need to read for at least 20 - 30 minutes each night.