From the Principal's Desk

Trivia Night
Tickets are almost sold out!
If you haven't bought your tickets for our upcoming Trivia Night, you better act fast! Get your table together quickly, or feel free to purchase single tickets, and we will allocate a table for you.
Tickets are available through Eventbrite @
As well as mind-testing trivia, we have some fantastic silent auction/prizes up for grabs on the night including:
-Signed Western Bulldogs football
-Family pass to Luna Park
-$200 Seddon traders voucher
-$200 Luxsmith restaurant voucher
-Sun Theatre tickets
-Collingwood Children's Farm passes
-Signed copy of Shane Delia's Spice Journey cook book
For further details and sponsorship opportunities, check out The Trivia Night Page in this week's Newsletter.
Italian Day
It wasn't looking promising at 3:00 a.m. this morning, but by 9:00 a.m. the sun was shining in time for our Italian Day Parade!
What an amazing day it turned out to be, celebrating Italian culture, language, art, sports and food! Signora Anderson spent many weeks planning and preparing for this celebration and it was wonderful to see so many happy, smiling faces all around.
It was great to see the children dressed in Italian attire. There was a sea of colour and a buzz around the school as our children participated in their chosen activities.
It was also wonderful to see so many parents assisting throughout the day, involving themselves in various activities and feeding the hungry hordes. We are truly grateful for all your support
Grazie Signora Anderson!
School Disco
It's Disco time!
Our school Disco will be held this Friday, and will be the social event of the year for our children.
Mobile phones will not be permitted to be brought into the hall.
Our PFA will be assigned various supervision tasks throughout the evening, so we ask parents to drop their children off at 6:30 p.m. and return to collect them at 8:00 p.m. sharp.
The cost is $10.00 per child ($15 per family), payable at the door on the night. Once inside, children will not be permitted to leave the hall until they are collected by their parents at the conclusion.
Our always-popular Candy Corner will operate, where children can purchase goodies such as drinks, snacks, and glow sticks!
Late Arrivals
There has been a trend of children arriving late to school, and since the start of this term, this trend has become alarming. Not only is it unsettling for the children themselves, but it becomes very congested in the office, is time-consuming to process, and disrupts the classroom and the class teacher.
We request children to arrive at school no later than 8:45 a.m. which gives them time to unpack their bags, pass on any correspondence and get their materials ready for the day ahead.
We also ask families not to collect children early from school unless absolutely necessary for the above-mentioned reasons.
We ask all families to assist us with this.
Swimming Program
Our Year Prep-4 Swimming Program commences next Wednesday, 23rd October, and will run for eight (8) consecutive days at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre.
Swimming is part of the Physical Education curriculum, and it is expected that all students attend. Students travel to and from the venue by bus each day, and each lesson lasts 43 minutes.
Full details are available via the Operoo form sent out to families. If you haven't already done so, please respond to this form by the end of this week.
Year 5/6 Camp
Next Wednesday, 23rd October, our Year 5/6 children will head off to Camp Marysville for a 3-day, 2-night camp adventure. Activities include, BMX biking, ropes course, canoeing and bouldering.
Mrs Rogers, Miss Ly, Miss Napier, Miss Veronica, Miss Poropat, Mr Palanca and I will be attending and looking after the children.
We trust our campers will have a safe and happy adventure.
Summer Uniform
This term, we will introduce a new option for the girls' summer uniform. Girls can choose between the traditional dress or the new navy shorts/white blouse option.
Modelled by Sienna and Harriet, we are now taking orders for the pleated navy shorts along with the summer blouse (now available in sizes 2 and up)
Interested families are asked to complete a special order form by collecting one from the school office or by completing and submitting the attached form.
Orders are due by Friday 18th October.
Classroom Cuisine
Classroom Cuisine will continue to operate each Monday as an additional lunch option.
Orders can be placed via:
New customers just need to set up an account by following the simple prompts.
Prep 2025 Transition
Next Monday will be our first (of three) Transition Day for our 2025 Year Prep cohort. Families are to meet up near the Community Hall at 9:00 a.m.
There will be NO ASSEMBLY next Monday morning.
School Closure Days
Please mark in your diaries the remaining School Closure Days for 2024 -
- Monday 4th November: Teacher Time in Lieu Aquittal Day
- Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde