Year 12 Key Information
- Our Year 12 students are well and truly in the midst of their final external examination period! It is essential that they continue to arrive punctually, fully prepared, and dressed appropriately in their formal uniform to ensure a successful outcome. Students are permitted to wear their jersey in the HOB during the external exams, if cold. We wish them well in their preparations and examinations.
- If your child will be receiving an award at either the Presentation Evening or Sports Awards Assembly, an invitation was sent to both you and your child earlier in the week. Please ensure you RSVP to confirm your attendance. The RSVP link can be found within your invitation.
- Invitations to Graduation Mass have also been sent to all Year 12 families. If you have not received your invitation, please let me know.
- Please RSVP to confirm your attendance:
Sophie McQueen I Head of Year 12
Phone: (07) 4044 4200
Whole of College Key Information
- The 2025 College Fee Schedule was recently sent out to all families via an EdSmart Broadcast. If you did not receive this email or require further information, please contact the College Accounts Team: or
(07) 4044 4200.
- As we commence Week 6, it is important to speak with your child about their upcoming assessments to ensure they are setting themselves up for success well ahead of due dates.
- We are fundraising this term in support St Vincent de Paul’s Christmas Food Hampers, which will be donated during our Christmas Liturgy on the last day of Term 4. The pastoral group that fills the most washing baskets (Hampers) for the Christmas Appeal will be rewarded with a class party! We appreciate families contributing to our fundraising initiative to support those in need at Christmas.
Please Remember:- Donations must have an expiry date of at least January 2025.
- Toys and gifts are not required as other organisations handle these contributions.
- We continue to keep our Year 12 students in our thoughts and prayers as they head into their final week of exams. Keep up the great work!
Week 6 Uniform Schedule
Week 6 Notices
Employment Opportunities
St Mary's Catholic College welcomes employment applications from those who share our mission to provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum and enhance students' dignity, self-esteem, and integrity.
Please follow the link to our current vacancies:
Looking Ahead
Week 7: | Presentation Evening | Monday | 11 November |
Week 7: | Sports Awards Assembly | Tuesday | 12 November |
Week 7: | Graduation Mass | Wednesday | 13 November |
Week 7: | Year 7 Orientation Day | Thursday | 14 November |
Week 9: | Year 9 Tie Ceremony | Wednesday | 27 November |
Week 9: | End-of-Term Liturgy | Friday | 29 November |
Justin Brennan
Assistant Principal | Senior Secondary 10-12
Phone: (07) 4044 4200