Reflection & Prayer

Christmas Mass Times


Our Lady Star of the Sea, San Remo-6pm

St Mary's, Cowes-8pm


St Mary's, Cowes-9am

St Joseph's, Bass -11am

Sunday Weekly Parish Mass Times

Saturday 6pm Star of the Sea, San Remo

Sunday 9am St Mary's, Cowes

Sunday 11am St Joseph's, Bass

Prayer of the week


God our Father help us keep watch and strengthen our faith as we wait for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wake us up and find us ready to serve and praise him.




AmenPope Francis @pontifex

At the heart of Christ is openness, gift, and encounter. In Christ, we learn to relate to one another in wholesome and happy ways, in order to build up God’s kingdom of love and justice on earth. United with the heart of Christ, our hearts are capable of working this social miracle