Music News

To help the band committee with 2025 planning, please fill in the form below ASAP. It is not needed for current 2024 year 6 students. All other years, please fill in one for each child. Thank you for your assistance!
Band Tutoring for 2025
Make sure you are reaching out to your music tutors to secure your lessons for 2025.
End of Year Band Concert ~ Friday 6th December at 6:00pm
We are so excited for our End of Year Concert! Don't forget to find the most Christmassy of Christmas costumes and bring some decorations for your music stands!
We are also still needing a few volunteers to help out, please put your name on the spreadsheet where you can: 2024 EOY Concert Helper Roster - 6th Dec
Presentation Day ~ Tuesday 10th December
All Bands will be performing. Full school uniform required.
CB will be performing at the 3-6 assembly
JB and TB will be performing at the K-2 assembly
Please note that rehearsals for this week will be a little different:
Monday 9th Dec, 7:30 am - JB
Monday 9th Dec, 1:00 pm - TB
Tuesday 10th Dec, 7:30 am - CB
And then we will have a “rehearsal” on Wednesday lunch for all bands to come play a few carols and to collect any school instruments, there may even be a little Christmas treat involved!
HIRED INSTRUMENT RETURN ~ Wednesday 11th December
We will be collecting our RPS hired instruments the day after Presentation day on Wed 11th December at lunch time in the Hall. If you have hired an instrument this year, please make sure you clean the instrument and inside the case, wash any cloths before returning and take off any personal name tags. Thank you.
Roselea Band Committee