Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
The last few weeks of Kindergarten has been filled with exciting experiences as students prepare for Year 1. In writing, students have been using lined books to write sentences and descriptions, practicing how to express their ideas clearly and neatly. They’ve also explored the 5 senses to describe animals and different locations, bringing their observations to life with rich, sensory detail. To make their writing even more fun, KR have been experimenting with word play, especially alliteration, to add a playful twist to their writing.
In mathematics, KR students have been learning about area by designing and creating their own houses, rockets, and animals to compare and predict areas. After building their creations, they traced around the shapes to compare their areas with peers, giving them a hands-on understanding of this concept. They also had the chance to explore more irregular shapes, helping them develop their problem-solving skills in a creative and engaging way.
Kindergarten students also had the opportunity to spend special time with their Year 6 buddies before they head off to high school. Together, they wrote letters to Santa, sharing their holiday wishes and questions for Santa. This is always a highlight for the students to connect with their older peers, making this a memorable and meaningful time as we enjoy the last few weeks of 2024 together as a class.
Miss Raj - KR Classroom Teacher
Stage 2
This term, our Stage 2 EAL/D students have been exploring grammar conventions through the engaging book Kicking Goals with Goodesy and Magic by Adam Goodes, Michael O'Loughlin and Anita Heiss. The book celebrates themes of friendship, perseverance and teamwork while highlighting the importance of sports, culture and community. It inspires young readers to embrace their individuality and work hard to achieve their goals.
Using this text as a foundation, students have been studying a range of grammar and punctuation concepts, including quotation marks, imperative sentences, complex sentences, noun groups, commas and fronted adverbs. These lessons aim to enhance their understanding and application of grammar while fostering their writing and language skills.
Mrs Khastgir - EAL/D Teacher
Stage 3
With only a couple of weeks until school holidays, we’ve been busily making Christmas Thank You cards for the many people who have helped us this year.
First consideration of course is our parents, as well as the class teachers who have welcomed us into their rooms for integration, our relieving Principal, various therapists, our specialist PE teacher, swimming helpers and our counsellors, who join our parent meetings.
While we have been very busy continuing to reach our academic goals, we couldn’t overlook the magnificent November Jacaranda trees and managed a few paintings, including some using the skills we acquired last term with watercolours.
Ms Pendergast - K-6P Classroom Teacher