School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.


Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Bunjil Bunch - 1L7 who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 4 Week 10.

Congratulations to Radiant Rockets - FR8who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 4 Week 11.



Student Achievement Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student Achievement Award' award.

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
AciaRadiant Rockets - FR8For showing significant growth in her confidence and Resilience. She approaches challenges with a positive and proactive attitude. Well done Acia!
KatiniaPowerful Pockets - FP10For showing Responsibility and consistently making good choices. Katinia has really stepped up this year! 
AmelleSuper Squad - 1R6For showing strong self-regulation skills towards becoming excellence. Your determination to achieve higher and willingness to help others are positive reflections on our school values. 
CooperBunjil Bunch - 1L7For consistently demonstrating exceptional behavior, kindness, and leadership in the classroom. Your respect for others, dedication to learning, and positive attitude set an incredible example for your peers. Thank you for being an inspiration and a true role model in our class. Keep up the amazing work! 
MiaBunjil Bunch - 1L7For demonstrating outstanding perseverance and resilience in overcoming challenges, always lending a helping hand to others, and asking thoughtful questions that inspire learning. Your kindness, determination, and leadership set a wonderful example for everyone in our class. Thank you for being an incredible role model and making our classroom a better place. 
GopiTalented Tribe - 2N11For showing responsibility for your learning by working on not being distracted in class. You have persisted in writing tasks when you have a set goal. 
HarsheenFantastic Force - 2W12For taking responsibility for her learning. She received and  used feedback to improve her persuasive writing. Keep up the great work!
FizzaSuccess Squad - 3P14For giving her personal best to complete her information report and taking on board feedback to upskill her writing. Well done Fizza! 
ManalSmarty Safari - 3S16For consistently demonstrated our school values with excellence throughout the year.  Keep up the fantastic work !
IggyUnited Warriors - 4B13For your kindness, respect, and dedication to finishing your work. You set a great example for everyone. Keep it up! 
WinstonThe Knowledge Force - 4T15For the tremendous character growth he has made in his personal self, and academic self throughout the entire year. Having faced challenges in his learning and conquering them with exceptional resilience. Winston I am proud of the growth you have made personally and academically, I hope you feel that pride in yourself too. Well done.
AmyEducated Adventurers - 5/6M17For being an amazing role model by consistently showing exemplary values by treating everyone with respect, completing all tasks with responsibility, always showing respect and building strong relationships inside and outside of the classroom. Thank you, Amy! 
AshleeCourageous Crocs - 5/6W18For having an enthusiastic attitude to everything you do, your energy and effort is a great example to others. Keep up the amazing work.
RihannaCreative Creatures - 5/6T20For showing off her presentation capabilities. Your sales pitches are always filled with confidence and expression. You weave persuasive technique into your words to make convincing speeches.


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Ellie - Radiant Rockets - FR8

For your amazing performance in the class play. This term has shown what awesome skills you have when it comes to acting. You stayed in character and gave a every performance your best. You have done an amazing job this term. Well done!


Millie - Bunjil Bunch - 1L7

For your excellent three dimensional Christmas Tree. You did an amazing job ensuring all your decorations were neatly placed and set out evenly. Congratulations!


Ivy-Snow - Creative Creatures - 5/6T20

For successfully completing the Coding challenge using Dash robots. You worked through each of the steps meticulously to create a working algorithm. Congratulations!


Adara - Radiant Rockets - FR8

For being a superstar during Kitchen Garden sessions. Adara you inspire us all as you show awe and wonderment when in the garden and when cooking with real foods in the kitchen. You confidently draw links from your growing knowledge of characteristics of food and the ‘food groups’ they belong in. You ask questions if unsure of what to do and are always willing to learn a new gardening or cooking skill. You are a very valued member of our class Adara.


Fatima - Fantastic Force - 2W12

For demonstrating great interest and flare in this area of learning. Always inquisitive, curious and brave, Fatima you are always first to offer to try something new. Your knowledge and skills about growing and harvesting vegetables as well as cooking simple meals is developing at a steady rate. You are becoming a very talented and successful ‘Scientist in the Kitchen.’ Congratulations!



Values Badges

Congratulations to the following students who will receive a value badge.


Jay 4T - Relationships