Parents and Friends Group

Parents and Friends Helpers needed:
Thursday 24th October Schools ART SHOW
We are in need of helpers for the school's art show. If you are available to help out during the afternoon/evening please reach out. The more helpers we have, the more rotation on the stall we can have to allow everyone to get out and check out the amazing art and craft our children have made.
We are lucky enough to have use of the canteen and are having hotdogs, drinks and lucky dips.
Term 4 Annual Christmas Raffle:
Term 4 is around the corner and this means we are on the home stretch to Christmas and end of year celebrations.
The parents and friends are now looking for donations for our raffles.
If you own a business or someone who does and would like to donate a product or voucher that would be appreciated.
Individuals who are able to donate something to make hampers to raffle off would be greatly appreciated.
To make our raffles a success we rely on the help of our community to donate products, so thank you in advance if you are able to help.
Parents and Friends meeting:
Our next Parent and Friends meeting will be held in the first couple weeks of Term 4,
we will reach out when we have our date set.
All are welcome to attend, as well as younger children who do not attend school.
We would love to meet new faces and hear some new ideas.
Have a great holiday stay safe and we shall see you in Term 4.