Year 1 and 2

Year 1 Teachers: Hsien Tran (Level Leader), Zara Abrahams, Maddi Fletcher, Chantelle Quinn, Nic Walsh and Fiona Hedstrom

Year 2 Teachers: Sarah Battle (Level Leader), John Hoskin, Nerida Forster, Katia Lumley and Kath Jones

Welcome Back to Term 4!

Welcome back to school for Term 4! We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday break and are ready for our final term for 2024. 

We can’t quite believe we’re in the last term for the year and have lots of exciting events coming up. 


A reminder for Term 4 is for all students to wear their school hats every day in line with our school's SunSmart policy. Please ensure these are clearly labelled with names. We often have students looking for lost items of clothing however, if named, this makes it so much easier to sort out.


During our Monday assembly this week, we were pleased to see many students from Year 1 and 2 receive awards and certificates for fantastic achievements, including the recent Writing competitions and MS Readathon fundraising. Well done to all the students who participated in these activities. 

Upcoming Dates

21st October: Foundation to Year 2 Assembly

23 October - 20 November: Footsteps Program (on Wednesdays)

Friday 1st November: Grade 1 Yarra Valley Water Incursion

Monday 4th November: Curriculum Day (No Students at school)

Tuesday 5th November: Public Holiday (Melbourne Cup Day)

Tuesday 12th November: Grade 2 'Minibeasts' Incursion

Thursday 14th November: Grade 1 CERES Excursion (1ZA & 1MF)

Friday 15th November: Grade 1 CERES Excursion (1CQ & 1HT)

Thursday 28th November: Grade 2 Sleepover

Thursday 12th December: Christmas on the Lawn

Friday 13th December: Year 1-6 Transition Day

Friday 20th December: Final Day (12:30pm Dismissal)

Term 4 Overview

Grade 1 - English

Literacy-Read Write Inc. Phonics program- all term.



Weeks 1-3: Information Texts

Weeks 4-6: Comics

Weeks 7-8: Poetry

Weeks 9-11: Letter Writing


Grade 1 - Mathematics

Weeks 1-3: Multiplication/Division & Time

Weeks 4-5: Fractions & Shapes

Weeks 6-9: Problem Solving & Length

Weeks 10-11: Christmas Maths, Graphing and Calendars


Grade 1 - Inquiry/Science

We are learning about the Water Cycle and its ecosystems this term. We will also explore how water is collected and how fresh water gets to our taps through the pipes and drainage systems. 


Grade 2- English

Literacy-Read Write Inc. Phonics program- all term.



Weeks 1-3-Poetry

Weeks 4-7-Information texts

Weeks 8-9- Comics

Week 10-Letter Writing

Week 11-Christmas activities


Grade 2- Mathematics

Weeks 1-2-Fractions and Location/transformation

Weeks 3-4-Money and Chance experiments

Weeks 5-6-Addition/Subtraction and Volume/Capacity

Weeks 7-8-Multiplication/Division and Problem solving

Weeks 9-10-Place Value and Problem solving/Calendars.

Week 11-Christmas Activities


Grade 2- Inquiry/Science

We are learning about Minibeasts this term which incorporates Science topics including; learning about body parts, life cycles and how they affect our world.

Footsteps F-2

This term Foundation, Grade One and Grade Two students will be attending five “Footsteps” dance classes for 45 minutes to an hour on Wednesdays from Week 3 onwards. 


The course is part of the school dance curriculum and is designed to provide students with an insight into traditional forms of dance, whilst also developing their social skills, confidence and physical fitness. The starting point for dance learning is ‘everyday movements’. Students learn about dancing safely and become aware of their bodies’ movement capabilities. They explore movement possibilities using space, time, dynamics and relationships. 


The total program cost is $20 for all five sessions (no part payments available). Please complete payment on Compass by 20th October.


Grade 2 Sleepover

This year we are lucky enough to be holding our very first  ‘Year 2 Sleepover’ for students, which will be held onsite at school in Week 8 on Thursday 28th November. This will be such a fun night, as it is now forms part of our annual Whole School Camping Program, with all Year 2 students strongly encouraged to participate. 


You should have all received a 'Save the Date' email with some initial information. In short, students will leave school at 3.30pm on Thursday 28th November and return to school at 6.30pm for some fun activities, a sleepover and breakfast the next morning. On Friday 29th November, the students will participate in a range of camp day activities. 


At this stage we are asking families to save this date and we are also asking parents to contact their child’s teacher directly should there be specific circumstances that their child won’t be able to attend, for example, they will be away on a family holiday. 

We are hoping all students can attend this special event.

Grade 1 CERES Excursion 

Payments for the Grade 1 CERES Excursion is now open on Compass. Payments will close on Sunday 10th November.

For the excursion, we are also looking for 5 parent volunteers per class to come along and help some groups on the day. If you would like to come along to the excursion as a helper, please email your child's teacher. 

Please remember, all parent volunteers require a Working With Children Card and will need to bring it in on the day. 

1MF & 1ZA will be attending the excursion on Thursday 14th November.

d 1CQ & 1HT will be attending the excursion on Friday 15th November. 

Boxes for Grade 1 Inquiry

In Grade 1 this term we will be making dioramas of The Water Cycle. Each student will require a shoebox for the project. If any students have more than one shoebox at home and would like to bring them along, it would be much appreciated for the students that are unable to locate a shoebox. All shoeboxes will need to be brought in by the end of Week 5 (8th November).

Think U Know

Unsure how to talk to your child/ren about staying safe online? Then come along at 7pm on Tuesday 29th October to the school stadium as VPS will be hosting a ThinkUKnow parent night


ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation.


The night will be hosted by Michelle Zhao from Australian Federal Police and Graham Higgerson from Neighbourhood Watch. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.


This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.


Please click here to register your interest in attending this presentation.


For more information, you can visit or contact


Photo Gallery

This week the Year 2s have been learning about Symmetry in Mathematics lessons. Check out the fantastic creations of the students' very own symmetrical Minibeasts from 2JH and 2SB.




Leaving Early/Arriving Late

Just another reminder to parents, if your child arrives late to school (after 9am) they will need to be signed in at the office by a parent. Please do not just send your child into the classroom as the roll will already be marked. If your child is being picked up early, please email your child's teacher ahead of time, so that the teacher and the office have been notified.