
Director: Meg Arnold

Waratah: Group: Jacqui Zourkas, Megan Lebret, Eliza Wong

Lasiandra Group: Helen Williams, Rhonda Tabe, Canice Searles O'Connor, Jeni O'Kane, Eliza Wong

Banksia Group: Naomi Parkin, Melanie Goldmith, Shannon Stackpoole

Wattle Group: Naomi Parkin, Shannon Stackpoole, Megan Lebret

Lunch Relief: Meg Arnold and Sarah Wilson

Important Dates

Friday 25th October - Waratah Dental Visit

Monday 28th October - Lasiandra Dental Visit

Monday 4th November - Curriculum Day - Kinder Closed

Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Day - Kinder Closed

Friday 8th November - Waratah Bee Incursion Part 2

                                          - Wattle Drama Toolbox Incursion

Monday 11th November - Lasiandra Butterfly Adventure Incursion

Tuesday 12th November - Banksia Drama Toolbox Incursion

Wednesday 13th November - 2025 Information Night (more details to come)

Thursday 14th November - Waratah Butterfly Adventure Incursion

Friday 22nd November - Waratah Drama Toolbox Incursion

Monday 16th December - Last Day of Kinder for Lasiandra and Banksia Groups

Thursday 19th December - Last day of Kinder for Wattle and Waratah Groups


Kinder Closed

Monday the 4th of November is a curriculum day at the kinder, therefore the kinder will be closed and no children attending.  The staff will be focusing on writing Transition Statements and Summative Assessments for the day.

The following day, being Melbourne Cup Day is a public holiday and so again, the kinder will be closed this day also.   



Hats are required for the children to be playing outside, so please remember to bring along a hat.  Either a bucket hat or a legionnaires hat is required to ensure coverage form the sun.  

The children also need to have sunscreen on at the beginning of the session, if you could please assist your child to put this on either prior to arriving at kinder or in the foyer when your arrive, this is very helpful.  The children will be supported to reapply sunscreen later in the day as well.

Can parents also consider another aspect of our SunSmart policy - clothing.  Children need to have their shoulders covered, so no shoe string strap tops or dresses and shorts should cover the tops of their legs.  

2025 Information Night

2024 Parent Survey

Please use the QR code below or the following link to complete the survey, if you haven't already -

Survey closes November 1st.

End of Year Assessments/Reports

All children attending school in 2025 will have a Transition Statement written for them by their Kindergarten Teacher.  This Statement will be sent on to the school the child will be attending via a portal in November, unless the child is attending a Non-Government School or a parent informs us that they do not wish for the Statement to be sent to the school.


The Transition Statement has a section for teachers to complete, a section for the child to have input and a section for parents to complete.  A link will be sent to you via email for you to complete the child and parent sections.  You will need to complete your section and click submit.   At this time you will be able to see what the teacher has done in their section so far.  This section may be completed at this time, or it may be in the process of being completed, please do not be concerned if you do not see it completed.  The teacher will complete it.  Once completed you will receive a copy of the statement.  


For all children returning to kinder (either here or another kinder) in 2025, will have a Summative Assessment written about their developmental progress and will include some goals for the following year.   


If you have any questions in regards to your child's report or assessment, please see your child's teacher or Meg Arnold.

Bunnies Visiting 3 YO's

For the next couple of weeks we have some very special visitors in our 3 YO room.... 3 VERY adorable bunnies.

The children are learning about taking care of them and what they need to do make sure the bunnies are healthy and happy.  They know that we need to make sure they have water to drink, food to eat and that we all need to treat them gently and kindly so they are happy.  They have learnt a lot about cleaning up after them too!!!


Drama Toolbox Incursion

Last week Lasiandra Group had a visit from Drama Toolbox.  It was fabulous to see all the children get to play a part in the performance.  From all accounts everyone had an amazing time acting out the story and getting to a different character.  Waratah Group and our 3 YO Groups also get to have their visit from Drama Toolbox in November!