Community Network

Welcome to Term 4! The members of the Community Network have met this month and we have started planning for events this term already! Please read below for details.

Sip and Chat

Our first school community afternoon get together last term was a tremendous success. We are looking forward to meeting you all again. Spread the word as we would love it if some new people could attend if they are free. 

Vermont Primary School ART SHOW

On Thursday the 7th of November VPS are holding an amazing ART SHOW which will display ART works from every single student at the school. A few of the members are helping Mrs Simpson with a lot of the arrangements.


If you would like to assist in anyway, please contact Merri on:


Further details are on the Principal's Page. 


Next Community Network Meeting

Our next meeting will be before the Sip and Chat on Friday 25th October. It will be at 2pm in the library. We hope to see you there.