Scotsburn News 

Important Dates

Scotsburn AssembliesFriday 13 September
Whole School AssembliesFriday 20 September
Celebration of LearningWednesday 18th September
Footy Colours DayFriday 20th September
Last Day of Term (2:30pm dismissal)Friday 20th September

Good Luck!!!

A massive good luck to Mrs Morgan, Savannah and Rhylee who jet settled off early Monday morning to Japan. By the sounds of things, they got away smoothly and are already having an amazing time. We look forward to following them on the school blog. If you are interested in having a look at the blog, click on the following link:

ES Appreciation Week

Last week was ES appreciation week, where we were able to celebrate all of the amazing roles that our Education Support staff do to ensure our students have a happy and productive school experience. To Raquel, Margie, Chelsea and Emily, thank you for all that you do for the students at the Scotsburn campus. You are all truly amazing and the place wouldn’t be the same without you.


If you happen to drop in this week before school and see any of these ladies around, feel free to pass on your gratitude. They most definitely deserve it!

Concert USBs and Class Photos

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to order a recording of the concert (onUSB) or class photos.  If previous concerts are anything to go by, many of our students will love watching themselves and others in the concert…many times over.  Simply go to Qkr to purchase a class photo or USB. These will be available on Qkr only up until the end of this term.

Parent Survey

Another reminder for Scotsburn parents to please participate in the Parent/Guardian Survey.  As a campus and a school, we really appreciate and very much value your feedback so that we can continue to make Scotsburn the best place that it can be!

Thank you so much to those who have already responded.



The survey can be accessed here

All parents / caregivers / guardians at your school use the same six-digit PIN to access the survey.


Our school's generic PIN for the SCOTSBURN CAMPUS is: 252303

*Please note, there is a separate PIN for the Buninyong Campus. Buninyong families have received a different Compass notification

Home Reading

A huge thank you to all our families that have continued to support our reading at home connecting with their child. We have been blown away with how many nights students are reading, and the effort and responsibility students are committing to, ensuring they meet our term target by filling in their diaries and bringing them into school. Our Term three target was 100 nights of reading, and our stretch goal was 150 nights. We will be celebrating next Friday 20 September, after our whole school assembly on return to Scotsburn with a reward afternoon and small treat. Reading aloud is one of the most important things parents can do with their children. Studies have shown that children who are read to regularly and are reading at home are more likely to develop literacy skills, such as rhyming, letter recognition, and phonemic awareness (hearing the sounds in spoken words) and comprehension skills. These skills are essential for becoming a skilled reader and success in school. Again, we thank you for your support and we hope to keep up our wonderful reading routines in term four. 

The Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge 

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge has now finished for 2024.  We had three students at Scotsburn complete the Challenge this year. A big congratulations to Chelsea, Lawson and Fraser!  These three students will receive a certificate to be acknowledged at our upcoming whole school assembly.


Last week Scotsburn participated in the swimming program, held by Federation University. Students participated in five structured lessons, focussing on skills at their individual swimming level and ability. It was such a great week, and all students were amazingly respectful to their instructors, always giving their personal best. 


Celebration of Learning - Wednesday September 18

In the final week of term on Wednesday, September 18 (5:00-7:00pm) we have the Celebration of Learning.  


The Celebration of Learning is always a very popular event on our school’s calendar and is a wonderful opportunity for you to come along and get an insight into what your child/ren are learning at school.


All classroom spaces as well as specialist areas will be open for students to lead their families through to share their learning. We will be running a BBQ on the concrete throughout the night. We hope to see everyone there!

SC1 Learning Snapshot

It’s been another busy week in SC1 with our swimming program running all week at Federation University. We have been so proud of our students’ behaviour, organisation and positive attitude throughout the program! From the bus travel to the change rooms, our Scotsburn students have exemplified the school values of being respectful, responsible and kind at all times. Well done everyone!


This week in Reading and Writing we are learning all about ants! These fascinating minibeasts are sure to amaze our budding entomologists - make sure to ask your child what they have learned about these intriguing creatures.


In Maths this week we are focusing on addition and subtraction fact families and how we can use them in our learning. Fact families are related maths facts that use the same set of numbers. 


Next week we will have our Celebration of Learning on Wednesday evening. This is a great opportunity to come into the classrooms and see what our students have been learning about this term. It’s also a lovely way to catch up with other families as we celebrate our amazing school. 


Have a wonderful week!


Ana and Hayley

SC2 Learning Snapshot

We were barely able to take a breath last week after the concert, with us heading straight into swimming lessons. It was great to see all students giving their best and having a smile on their face throughout all lessons. Our students really love this program, and we can’t wait to get back there at the end of the year for our Scotsburn celebration. 

It was wonderful last week to again welcome the Buninyong Community Playgroup to the campus. Some SC2 students helped with some tree planting around the campus which was great. We were then treated to some beautiful homemade soup, supplied by the playgroup. Yum! We love having them come and visit and we can’t wait for them to return in Term four. 


This week in Maths, it is times tables, times tables, times tables! We are spending a dedicated amount of time at the end of the term focussing on our multiplication automaticity, with students making resources to help them with their tricky times tables. We look forward to sharing some of these at the celebration of learning next week. 


In Writing, we are publishing our Hybrid Natural Disaster pieces, joining our term’s work on both information texts and narratives. These will also be on display next week. There are most definitely some very cool stories!


As mentioned, next week we will have our Celebration of Learning on Wednesday evening. We can’t wait to share our wonderful achievements and learning from the term with you all. Hope to see you there!


Have another awesome week,


Jarrod and Liz

Scotsburn AssembliesFriday 13 September
Whole School AssembliesFriday 20 September
Celebration of LearningWednesday 18 September
Footy Colours' DayFriday 20 September
Last Day of Term (2:30pm dismissal)Friday 20 September

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or end of a day.


We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Anderson:

Mrs Inglis: 

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team