Principal's Report


Early on Monday morning we waved goodbye to 26 students and a support team of adults as they headed off on a 10 day trip to Japan.  There was a quiet excitement amongst the students, but not too many obvious nerves.  This is not surprising as Mrs Cray has been meeting regularly with the students in preparation for the trip.  The kids knew what to expect and understood they will be well looked after. 


We look forward to keeping track of their experiences through the blog that has been set up, and you can do the same.  Following the blog here could be especially good if you have a child in grade 3 or 4, as it’s likely they will have an opportunity to join our next trip to Japan in 2026.  Following the blog will give them a sense of whether they would like to be part of the 2026 trip.


Last term grade 4-6 students participated in statewide Student Attitude to School surveys.  We always look forward to results coming in, as they help us understand how the students are feeling about their experience at our school.  The surveys ask the students a wide variety of questions, including how they view learning in classrooms, their relationships with staff and other students, their sense of safety at school….and much more.


We’re really pleased with overall results, which became available recently.  Overall, the scores for our school (at both campuses) were at or above the average for schools across the state for virtually every one of the 34 factors.  That matches what we observe in classrooms and the yard.


Over the next few weeks, we will take the opportunity to workshop the results with the kids.  This is always a useful exercise, helping us to dig down and identify the key things that need attention, as well as aspects of our work that are going well.


A large number of families have already ordered a recording of the concert (onUSB) or class photos.  If previous concerts are anything to go by, many of our students will love watching themselves and others in the concert…many times over.  Simply go to Qkr to purchase a class photo or USB. These will be available on Qkr only up until the end of this term.


Like everyone, we’re pretty much sick of the windy weather that has featured over the past three weeks.  This has made it challenging to keep our grounds in good order, with paths and doorways a mess within minutes of being cleared.  Luckily, we have experienced very little damage, although some extreme weather last week resulted in two trees coming down at the Buninyong Campus.  

Luckily this happened overnight, and each fell in the best possible direction in terms of minimising damage.


One compliance measure all schools are expected to undertake is an annual inspection of trees by a qualified arborist.  That’s part of our annual routine, which minimises the chances of harm coming to people or property.


Don’t forget that we have a tradition of finishing off term three with a Footy Colours' Day.  This is always good fun.  Students are invited to come along in the sporting colours of their choice (any code of sport).  Students are also invited to bring along as many five cent pieces that they can find, with the money going to Mpatso, a village in Africa.  And of course, the day wouldn’t be the same without a sausage sizzle and staff Vs students sporting contest of some sort.


Thanks to those that have already completed this survey.  For those that haven’t, the closing date has now been extended until the end of Term three, Friday 20 September. We’d like to get lots of survey responses, so please consider taking 20 minutes to help us out with this.


Please check your Compass notifications with all the relevant login details or contact the office if you require further assistance.