Sowing the SEADs of Success

SEAD Week 10 Term 3 

Challenge our young people to "Look Up" 10 years on.... “Look Up” has had almost 63 million views since Gary Turk released the 4.58-minute video in April 2014 with concerns about social media use. Our Year 10 students from Loreto College, Marryatville looked up, looked out, looked down and looked around Kangaroo Island last week and disconnected from their social media for a week. Interestingly, 95% were happy to be offline: 

"I didn’t feel pressure to comment”
“It was good to disconnect”
“I slept well and was less distracted” 
“I enjoyed the chats and quiet conversations”
“It was nice to be in the moment, especially sightseeing. The Remarkable Rocks are Remarkable!”
“My phone is old, so I always have to charge it; it was good not to worry about that”

I agree with Gary Turk’s comment below: 

"I don't want you to stop using social media or smartphones. I use them too! It's just about finding a balance. It's about making sure you are awake, alive and living life in the moment; instead of living your life through a screen". 

We will watch closely what happens in Parliament with the proposed age restriction laws for accessing social media and proposed new legislation.


Bring on Summer….and Term 4

Summer Uniforms 

Summer Uniform for Girls R-12 This uniform may be worn for Terms 1 and 4 of each year. 

• College summer dress or College shorts 

• College blazer 

• College short-sleeved shirt (if wearing shorts) 

• College straw hat 

• College jumper (optional) 

• College summer socks 

• College white ribbon (for summer) 

• Plain black lace-up, solid college shoe – no sneakers or canvas shoes allowed


All Girls’ Uniforms - Length of Winter Tunic and Summer Dress The winter tunic, summer dress and shorts must be below the knee.


Summer uniform is to be worn in Term 1 and 4 along with the College straw hat to be worn when travelling to and from the College. If an outer layer is required when travelling to and from the College, then this must be the College blazer. Jumpers may be worn as an outer garment whilst at school.


College Straw Hats (or Sports caps if in sports uniform) are to be worn outside throughout Terms 1 and 4. This includes recess, lunch, physical education lessons and after-college play. Outdoor co-curricular activities also require students to wear a College hat to suit the sport or activity.

Handover Leadership 

It is with great pleasure we were given the opportunity to acknowledge the 2023/24 leaders of Loreto College on Thursday at the Handover Leadership Assembly. We wish them every success, especially in their final assessment tasks and examinations. 

2024  Student Leadership Executive Team 

Head Girl                                             Fearne Rosenbauer                                                                        

Deputy Head Girl                              Holly Alp

Executive Leaders                            Jessica Simmons, Molly Silvy and Laura Fitzgerald 

Social Justice Captain                     Alyssia Taddeo 

Social Justice Captain                     Amreen Chalal 

Head Boarder                                     Bree North          

Deputy Head Boarder                      Alice Tiver                                                               

Barry House Captain                       Phoebe Neck                                                      

McGrath House Captain                 Emily Dagas 

Mulhall House Captain                   Siena Coscia                                                       

Ward House Captain                       Ava Desteno                                       

Indigenous Leader                           Nykita Miller 

Diversity Leader                                Yan Au


The 2023/24 senior leaders have actively involved with students in the Junior and Senior Years in different events this year. Outstanding direction and support in the Performing Arts, strong organizational skills and encouragement in swimming and sporting events along with fostering creativity and enthusiasm on Pink and Green Day Gate Duty and planning our Mission Day for today!


The newly elected leaders will take on the role of leadership, by serving the school community for the remainder of this year and throughout 2025. We congratulate, thank and assure them of the support of the Leadership Team and Staff. 


2024/2025 Student Leadership Executive Team 

Head Girl                                             Giuliana Blefari                                                                  

Deputy Head Girl                              Tigi Gambranis

Executive Leaders                            Aeon Nguyen, Sophia Manning and Emma Choi

Social Justice Captain                     Sophia Boots 

Social Justice Captain                     Lyla D'Arsie-Hausler 

Head Boarder                                     Alice Murphy

Deputy Head Boarder                      Sadie Polkinghorne             

Barry House Captain                        Anouska Hart                                                     

McGrath House Captain                 Bella Killen 

Mulhall House Captain                    Lucy Boardman                                                 

Ward House Captain                        Phoebe Smith                                    

Diversity Leader                                 Karli Yip 

SEAD in the senior school 

Our Year 12’s have completed their SATAC applications this term and are preparing for their transition from secondary to tertiary studies. Events supported by Mr Henry Jones including university guest speakers and defence force recruitment providing our Year 11 and 12s with the various options after high school. 


SEAD Value Future Pathways 

Investigating Future Pathways 

  • Investigating Future Pathways Year 7-8
  • Broadening my identify and understanding my future Year 9-10
  • Planning for my career and tertiary pathway Year 11-12

SEAD Values in classrooms 

In our classrooms, in homeroom and in SEAD we have been focusing on Empathy. Empathy allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and to build stronger relationships. It also makes us more creative and innovative. 

8 Steps to Empathy 

  1. Be Mindful
  2. Walk In Their Shoes
  3. Seek Positive Examples
  4. Be Grateful 
  5. Be an active Listener
  6. Embrace Diverse Perspectives 
  7. Practice Acts of Kindness
  8. Go off Grid

Ms Emma Searle

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Engagement

Dusty Feet Mob

Last Tuesday, we had the privilege of hosting the Dusty Feet Mob, an award-winning Aboriginal dance group from Port Augusta, South Australia. Students from ELC to Year 12 took part in traditional Aboriginal dance workshops throughout the day, culminating in an interactive performance for the entire school during lunch. A standout moment was Dusty Feet Mob’s moving rendition of Archie Roach’s iconic song Took the Children Away. The day ended on a high note with a joyful finale, where students and staff danced together to the beloved anthem, I Am Australian. 

Dusty Feet Mob, made up of members aged six to thirty-one, is a community that fosters strength, confidence, and dignity. Through their powerful storytelling in dance and song, they celebrate Aboriginal identity, culture, and deep connections to Country. 


Thank you, Mrs Katie Kiosses Motlop, for organising this beautiful and enriching cultural experience for our students!

Appearance Ideals and Expectations

Last week our Year 9’s engaged with Butterfly Foundation Presentation on body image and accepting who we are. “Let’s Talk Appearance Ideals and Expectations” was warmly received by the Year 9’s, with students being encouraged to seek positive affirmations, accept differences and know that there is help.

Mrs Fi Donnelly

Leader of Student Wellbeing a& Academic Care