Student Wellbeing

Teaching Kids to Manage Their Own Boredom these School Holidays
We all get bored from time to time and there is nothing wrong with that! Being bored helps us to reflect and make changes to what we are doing or our surroundings. Children are still learning to manage boredom, and with school holidays around the corner, here are some ideas on how to respond when kids say they are bored.
Boredom is mildly unpleasant, but its ok for kids to feel bored. Boredom provides the opportunity for kids to develop several important skills.
- Ability to tolerate less than ideal experiences
- Manage frustration and regulate emotions
- Creative thinking
- Problem solving, planning and organisation
- Independence and self sufficiency
During the school term, kids’ lives are typically structured and organised for them. When faced with unstructured time, they can have difficulty thinking of and organising things to do. If children complain about being bored and an adult entertains them, they don’t have the opportunity to learn to entertain themselves. The trick is to help support children generate their own ideas (rather than suggesting ideas to them).
Create a menu of activities
Have a discussion with your child about different activities to include on a menu they can go to when bored. It is important this includes activities they can do independently without your input. Children can be redirected to their list when they say they are bored, so they can choose which activity they would like to do. Ensuring you have the materials for the activity available and accessible allows your child to start independently. Activities on the list can be quick and easy such as drawing, colouring, reading, a teddy bear picnic, puzzles etc. Let your child know what the plan is for the day and the length of time they are expected to do an activity off their menu. This reassures the child they aren’t going to on their own all day.
R U Ok Day
Last Thursday we celebrated RUOK Day with check ins and friendship!
Our students made friendship bracelets with their buddies, reminding us all of the importance of checking in and looking after one another.
RUOK Day is a great opportunity to keep the conversation going and to support each other every day!