Classroom News

This Term has been full of fun and learning in the Science Room. This term we have all been learning about Biological Science, this area is all about learning about and understanding living things in our world.
In Pre-Primary, students have been learning about how living things have basic needs such as food and water. We looked at the difference between living and non-living things and have looked at how plants grow from seeds.
In Year 1, students have been learning about the features of living things and have looked at some of the characteristics of plants and animals. They have learned about why some things are better suited to live in different areas of the world.
In Year 2 we have been learning about how living things grow and how their offspring look like their adults. They have looked at some life cycles of plants and animals and have created posters showing these.
In Year 3 we have been learning about how things can be organised and categorised to better describe them. We have looked at some of these groups such as reptiles and trees and have created posters detailing what we have learnt.
In Year 4, students have looked at life cycles and at how some plants and animals need others to survive. They have learned about these relationships and how some are beneficial while others are competitive.
In Year 5 we have been learning about the adaptations plants and animals have that help them survive in different climates and in different biomes across the world. We selected an animal to research and presented our findings as posters.
In Year 6 we have been looking at the conditions that are beneficial to growth and did an experiment about the conditions needed for mould to grow well. We reviewed our knowledge of biomes and the classification of animals as well. We celebrated Science Week which saw quizzes, games and some exciting experiments being shared and demonstrated for us.
Overall it has been a busy yet constructive term in Science!
Year 3 Magpies & Numbats
This term in Technology the Year 3's have been looking at forces (push & pull) and the properties of materials. Students first investigated what a push and pull force was and the effects of friction on different surfaces.
Next, students investigated the durability of different types of materials such as wood, metal, plastic and paper. These materials were dropped, stretched, bent and put in water to see how they would behave in different conditions. Children then discussed with their groups what they might use this material for in a real world scenario.
The next big agenda is for students to create a spaghetti bridge that can hold a can of soup! This might have to wait till next term!
Physical Education
During term 3 Physical Education, students spent the term training and developing their athletics skills which included all of our running, throwing and jumping events. The result of all of this hard work was displayed during week 9 at St Helena's Jumps and Throws day and on our Faction Athletics Carnival day where many talented students showcased their abilities and earned championship points for their faction.
St Helena's students were also lucky enough to have representatives from the NRL come into school from weeks 4-6 to run clinics for them. These coaches helped introduce a lot of students to the game of rugby or further advanced their ability with awesome drills and fun games. From this, our Year 5 and Year 6 students were lucky enough to be a part of an NRL Gala day where in teams they competed against other schools in touch rugby.