From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers
End of a Big Term @ St Helena's
We come to the end of a very busy term, action packed with teaching and learning and various extra curricular activities and whole school events. There is so much to be thankful for and appreciative of at St Helena's Catholic Primary School.
Jumps & Throws and Athletics Carnival
We had an awesome Athletics Carnival last Friday. All our students participated with enthusiasm and did their best! The sportsmanship was fantastic too! Thankyou to Mr Aaron Clarke, for his planning and coordinating of the Athletics Carnival and Jumps and Throws Day, earlier in the week. Thankyou too, Mr Luke Vine for his support of and planning with Aaron, and to all our staff who helped set up in the morning and pack up in the afternoon, as well as assist throughout the carnival days. Very much appreciated! It was great to see another packed crowd cheering on our students and Factions on the day. Thanks to the Holy Cross students who assisted at the Jumps and Throws Day and the parents/caregivers who assisted at the Athletics Carnival. Our Kindy Carnival on the Thursday was awesome too! Thank you to the Kindy Staff for coordinating the afternoon. It was clear our students had a blast and our parents/caregivers loved watching the up and coming stars on the track have a go!
Farewell & Thanks
On Thursday we farewell Mrs Summer Durandt who will be leaving SHCPS to resume her wonderful role of full-time mum. We thank Summer for being a part of St Helena's and we wish her all the best for the future. Miss Grace Dwyer will be taking on the role of Year 6 Emus Teacher for Term 4. Last week we farewelled Mr Simon Gilyead as our groundsperson and thanked him for his efforts around the school after being with us for a year. Simon is taking on new business ventures and we wish him all the best for the future too.
Thank You!
I would like to acknowledge our student's achievements in all aspects of school life this term and thank them for their efforts and perseverance. We always simply ask all our students to do their best and continue to strive for personal excellence, having fun along the way, on their learning journey. We also ask that they abide by our Student Code of Conduct and uphold the values instilled in them at St Helena's. Congratulations to our students who do this every day and strive to "Do Something Beautiful for God" in all that they do and say. Thank you to our parents and caregivers who supported us in different ways this term at St Helena's as well.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful staff for their continued commitment and efforts once again this term. Our staff work extremely hard, and I know that our parents and caregivers are very appreciative of the staff's commitment to their vocation. Always for the betterment of our students! Thank you for your contribution to our TEAM!
"What I can do, you cannot. What you can do, I cannot. But together we can do something beautiful for God." Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Happy Holidays
The final day of Term 3 for students and staff is tomorrow, Thursday 19 September. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays, a time to spend with family and friends and recharge, ready for Term 4.
Have you organised a table? Don't leave it to the last minute. Looking forward to a great night, organised by our St Helena's P&F.
At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community,
always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.
Peace & Happy Days!
Santino Giancono
Click here for a brief history of St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.