Around the School


Principals Lunch

Sports Report 


Netball Report – Year 6 Team

A netball match between Numurkah’s Year 6 Team and Nathalia Primary School was played in Nathalia on Friday 26 April. Here are some highlights from the game.

Firstly in the first quarter our team passed the ball quickly and accurately, moving it down to the goals efficiently.

In the second quarter we scored seven goals thanks to our teamwork and in the final quarter, a few people started to get hot and tripped over from all the hard work. 

The Nathalia team did a great job passing the ball and intercepting. 

As a team, we need to stop bunching up like a bunch of grapes on the court and remember to spread out more. 

The final score was 23 to 2 our way. Numurkah won! 

Larna D and Indy L, Year 6 Students

Netball Report – Year 5 Team

Numurkah PS played Nathalia PS on Friday 26 April and sadly, we lost. Even though Nathalia won by 13 goals it was a fair game.  Harper did a fabulous job playing Centre in the fourth quarter, consistently intercepting the ball and her parents looked really proud!

Harmony also played well in Centre in the third quarter, chasing down the ball beautifully and regularly intercepting it. 

Sofia did very good in GS scoring most of the goals in the first quarter, she was rightly so proud of herself.

Tiana made an excellent GK at the first quarter with her defensive skills. Our team would encourage her to play in this position more often.

Annie played well in WD. She thought her intercepts were effective and her teammates thought that too.

Overall, everyone tried and played their best and enjoyed our first Winter Sports match.

Emelia L and Leddi D, Year 5 Students


Softball Report

Our first softball match of the season was Numurkah V Numurkah; the two teams were Jack’s team The Opals and Caleb’s team The Lapis Lads. It was a very stressful game with Caleb’s team batting first. Logan the pitcher for The Opals was pitching super-fast and always hurting the backstop.

Max made a great hit, Seth was an amazing backstop and Bella did an excellent job on first base. Logan’s awesome catch that caught Payten out. There was so many good hits from both teams that the game was over before we knew it. It was a such an enjoyable game to play. The Lapis Lads won by two home runs.

Caleb G (Year 6 Student) and Jack O (Year 5 Student)           


Football Report 

Last Friday 3 May we played a footy game against Nathalia Primary School. In the first half, we started strong with Zavier in ruck tapping it to Tyler who didn’t fail to get the ball down to our fifty. Jake E was full forward and kicked a couple goals which gained us an early lead. We had a ripper backline for the first halve who altogether stopped about ten goals - they were absolute stars!

In the second half, we had Kayden in ruck who mostly tapped to Jake E who ended up getting it to our fifty meters about fifty percent of the game. In the third quarter, Nathalia kicked their only goal for the whole game, Levi got put in full forward and didn’t disappoint at all kicking seven goals, with Jacob W trailing not far behind with four goals and a few points. 

We had a perfect game, with the score being 95 Numurkah, to seven Nathalia. Star players for this match included Levi, Jacob W, Jake E, Kelvin T and Jacob M. 

Written by Kayden T and Zavier A, Year 6 Students

Junior Playground
