From the Principal's desk

Thank you to all families for a very successful Parent/Teacher/Student interview day on Tuesday. We are looking forward to supporting your child/ren and your family for the rest of 2024.
I would like to welcome Hope Baumann to Numurkah Primary School. Hope will be working in 5/6W on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday. We also have Beth Hatton teaching in the classroom on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Education Week: School Open Days 13th-17th May
We welcome all of our families to come into the classrooms on Tuesday the 14th and Thursday the 16th between 9-10am. All of our classrooms will be open for current families to enjoy some time with your children in their class. On Monday the 13th we will be running group tours at 9:15am and 2:30pm for new families to have a look at our amazing school. If you know of any families looking for a school in 2025, please encourage them to come along.
Mother's Day morning tea
We will be hosting a morning tea for our mother's and special people on Friday the 10th of May. Invitations will go out shortly.
Canberra Camp
Thank you to all Year 5 and 6 Families who returned an expression of interest and deposit for the Canberra Camp in Term 4. Families can make additional payments towards the camp throughout term 2 and 3 if they wish. 'Centrepay' can also be organised to help with progressive payments towards camp.
Senior Winter Sports
We had our first Winter Sports game on Friday last week in Nathalia, the students represented the school well. We are at home this week with our first softball games, good luck to all students involved.
It was fantastic to see the faces of our Year 6 students yesterday as they received their printed items of uniform.
I would like to highlight some of the sections of our Student Uniform Policy to remind families of our uniform requirements. Some of the items being worn by students are not part of our uniform at Numurkah PS. Please have a talk with your child/children to ensure they are in full school uniform. As the colder weather starts please ensure jackets are labelled. Hoodies are not permitted at school.
General uniform
Plain black shorts or skorts without decoration or brand name and in Winter can be worn with black tights/stockings. Shorts should be of an appropriate length. As the weather becomes colder students may wear a long sleeve top underneath their polo shirt, however, this needs to be in school colours.
Jewellery and cosmetics
Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches, are the only acceptable jewellery.
Appropriate footwear is to be worn. Summer sandals with covered toes, black school shoes or pull on black school boots or black runners are permitted. No thongs or open-toed sandals are permitted.