Student Welbeing

Open House and Edendale Farm Program

Term 2, 2024 Student Expression of Interest


Open House, Edendale Farm and Eltham High school would like to offer the opportunity for 10 Eltham High School students to spend 1 day per week at Edendale farm during Term 2, engaging in activities aimed at building healthy communities, strengthening engagement with education, doing hands-on-learning, improving relationships, achieving goals and having fun.


The program has been fully funded by Nillumbik Council and is a joint partnership between Open House and Edendale Farm and Eltham High and is free of cost to participants. The program runs every Wednesday, periods 2 to 4, across Term 2 (from 24 April – 26 June, 2024).


Student Eligibility Criteria:

  • Students from Year 9 or 10
  • Students interested in hands-on learning, gardening, interacting with farm animals, and environmental and health benefits of their local food systems
  • Students have shown early signs of low motivation, disengagement and/or irregular attendance at school

If you would like to nominate your child to participate in this program, please complete the short EOI form here: 


For further questions on the program, please contact Mental Health Practitioner, Anna Jenkins ( ).


Digital Wellbeing

We consistently offer resources and strategies to support parents in navigating the responsible and effective use of social media for the overall wellbeing of your young people.  Student Services wanted to bring your attention to a resource called the Student Wellbeing Hub: This resource has a variety of wellbeing topics that can provide you with relevant information, advice, and strategies for supporting your young person’s wellbeing and safety.


As we move closer to the end of Term 1 and the holidays, we wanted to highlight the importance of online safety.


What is online safety?

Online safety is the act of staying safe online with the use of any technological device which has access to the internet.


How can we work together?

As a parent and carer, you have an essential role in guiding your child to protect themselves from online harms and risks. It is imperative that they learn how to have positive online experiences that ensures they can communicate safely with their peers and that this experience does not impact their mental health and wellbeing.


We understand that it can be challenging to keep up with new technologies and applications that allow young people to communicate online. By working together, we can support your child to use technology effectively to connect to others, to have fun safely and to enhance their learning.


Where to start?

If you wanted to information and strategies about cyber safety, please refer to: This resource will provide webinars for parents and carers to develop strategies to support and encourage online safety. Moreover, the strategies are centred on ensuring your young person can have a positive experience online and understanding the challenges that can occur. This can be achieved through watching short videos or using one of the family advice sheets to build your capacity to speak to your children about how to be safe online.


Additional Tips from the Student Services team to Promote Digital Wellbeing at home:

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear rules about screen time, especially during family meals and before bedtime. Encourage device-free zones in certain areas of your home.
  • Model Healthy Behaviour: Be a role model for your child. Show them that you can disconnect from your devices when necessary and prioritise face-to-face interactions.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about the apps and websites your child uses. Be aware of the content they're exposed to and have conversations about responsible internet use.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Promote physical activities and hobbies that do not involve screens. Help your young person find their passion outside of the digital world.
  • Mental Health Support: Let your young person know that it's okay to seek help if they're feeling overwhelmed or stressed by digital pressures.  We’re here to provide you and your young person with relevant support.

MADELINE GAITANIS, Student Services Leader