Year 2 News

From Emma, Year 2 teacher


Here is what we have been learning recently.


We have been focusing on a variety of topics and exploring these using the comprehension strategies of questioning, inferring and text analysis. We have been fascinated exploring deserts and the Wonders of the World. We have shared our own personal experiences of seeing these great Wonders and are even designing our own eighth Wonder in Writing.


Last week, we also had a special guest visit our classroom. Teacher Mike visited Grade 2 to share his passion for the Deep Blue. As Mike is an avid photographer, he showed us some photos that he has taken on some of his underwater adventures.  Mike encouraged us to think about what we would take a photo of if we were to go underwater and the students created a Draw, Label, Caption.


We have been learning about multiplication and division. We have learnt about skip counting, doubles, halving and arrays and enjoyed a wide variety of activities. One of our favourite lessons has been hunting for arrays around our learning space. Using the iPads, we worked in pairs to find an array. We took a photo of it and annotated the image to show how many rows and columns there were. Finally, we wrote a multiplication number sentence to match. 


We have been learning to place events on a timeline. We talked about our own personal history and created a timeline all about us. Our History unit has inspired lots of great discussions and we have learnt a lot more about one another in the process.


To see what other learning we have been up to, please see your class’ SeeSaw page for updates.